PowerPoint by Susan Will What Did Delaware? PowerPoint by Susan Will “What Did Delaware?" arr. & adapted by Paul Jennings © 2002 Plank Road Publishing, Inc. • All Rights Reserved • Used by permission
What did Delaware? Oh, what did Delaware? (3x) I ask you as a friend of mine. What did Delaware?
She wore her New Jersey. (3x) I tell you as a friend of mine.
Why did Caliphone ya? (3x) I ask you as a friend of mine. Why did Caliphone?
She phoned to say “Hawaya?” She phoned to say “Haywaya?” (3x) I tell you as a friend of mine.
Instrumental interlude
What did Tennessee? Oh what did Tennessee? (3x) I ask you as a friend of mine. What did Tennessee?
She saw what Arkansas. She saw what Arkansas. (3x) I tell you as a friend of mine. She saw what Arkansas.
What did Idaho? Oh what did Idaho? I ask you as a friend of mine. What did Idaho?
She hoed her Maryland. She hoed her Maryland. I tell you as a friend of mine. She hoed her Maryland.
I ask you as a friend of mine. What did Delaware? Huh????