1.1-The nature and importance of belief in tawhid Humayra
What tawhid is. Tawhid means believing in Allah alone. Tawhid is the foundation of Islam. If a person does not practise/believe in tawhid, they are not considered a Muslim. It is the oneness of Allah.
The importance of tawhid. Tawhid is a main part of Islam and it is taught in the Quran, which is the word of Allah. And it comes from the Shahadah(La ilaha ilalah- there is no God but Allah) If a Muslim does not believe in tawhid they will be punished in the Akhirah. It reminds Muslims that all their actions should be done sincerely for the sake of Allah.
The 3 types of Tawhid. There are three types of Tawhid. A Muslim must believe in all three. Tawhid Rububiyah is the oneness of Allah in Lordship. It is that Allah is the Lord. Tawhid Uluhiyah is the oneness of Allah in worship. It is that you worship Allah alone. Tawhid Al Asma Wa Sifaat is the oneness of Allah in His names and His attributes.