Information for Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Challenge for a Credit Information for Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Curriculum and Instruction Support Services Curriculum Instruction Support Services
The PLAR Challenge Process (Source Policy/Program Memorandum No. 129) PLAR is a formal assessment and credit granting process to obtain credits for prior learning; Prior learning includes the knowledge and skills that students have acquired, in both formal and informal ways, outside secondary school; The student’s knowledge and skills for the challenged course are assessed to determine if the student has met the Ontario curriculum expectations.
PLAR is not… an opportunity to learn course content, guided by a teacher; an independent study.
PLAR Challenge Process Steps Description 1. Overview Review the PLAR Challenge Process. 2. Application Package Review relevant Ontario curriculum documents; Gather evidence of learning; Complete and submit the PLAR Application Package by February 1st. 3. Assessment and Evaluation Completion of assessment and evaluation: - Knowledge & Skills Portfolio (70% of final grade) March; - Formal Tests (Assessments) (30% of final grade) April. 4. Recording and Reporting Final percentage grade communicated to student, parent/guardian, and home school.
Frequently Asked Questions STEP 1: Overview Frequently Asked Questions Who is eligible to submit a PLAR challenge? Current Peel District School Board students registered in a secondary school. Is parent/guardian permission required? Yes, if the student is under 18 years of age.
Frequently asked questions continued STEP 1: Overview Frequently asked questions continued What courses are students able to challenge for credit? Grade 10, 11 or 12 course found in the Ontario curriculum and offered in the Peel District School Board. How many courses are students able to challenge for credit? Students may earn no more than four credits including a maximum of two credits in any one subject area.
STEP 1: Overview Students cannot be granted credits through the challenge process for any of the following: a course where a credit has already been granted; a course previously attempted but not earned; a course where curriculum expectations significantly overlap with those from a course where a credit was previously granted a course in any subject if a credit has already been granted in a higher grade in that same subject area;
STEP 1: Overview Students cannot be granted credits through the challenge process for any of the following: continued a course in English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Literacy Development (ELD) if the student has previously been granted one or more credits in English; a locally developed course; a cooperative education course; a course in French as a Second Language if the student has one or more credits from a French school.
Application Form STEP 2: Application Package Note: This form requires the signature of the Principal (or designate) of the student’s home school.
Student Paragraph STEP 2: Application Package not evaluated as a component of the course being challenged; an opportunity to indicate why challenging for this credit will help support fulfilling educational goals; an opportunity to connect special interests and skills related to the course being challenged. Note: Refer to your Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) on myBlueprint.
Letter of Recommendation #1 Subject Teacher/Guidance Counsellor STEP 2: Application Package Letter of Recommendation #1 Subject Teacher/Guidance Counsellor Completed by: Subject teacher or guidance counsellor Student is required to review with the subject teacher or guidance counsellor the following: PLAR information (; course expectations and achievement chart (
Letter of Recommendation #2 Community Member STEP 2: Application Package Letter of Recommendation #2 Community Member Completed by: Community member e.g., coach, instructor. Student is required to review with the community member the following: PLAR information (; course expectations and achievement chart (
Knowledge and Skills Portfolio STEP 2: Application Package Knowledge and Skills Portfolio Summary of Course Expectations and Demonstrations of Prior Learning In order to complete this form: reflect on your prior learning relevant to the course being challenged; refer to current Ontario curriculum specific to the course being challenged; refer to the achievement chart and rubrics specific to the subject area of the course being challenged. refer to the student tip sheet for assistance found at:
Knowledge and Skills Portfolio continued STEP 2: Application Package Knowledge and Skills Portfolio continued Evidence of Learning Select 3 to 5 of the prior learnings briefly described in the chart above to expand on when completing the Evidence of Learning form shown below.
Examples of ways learned knowledge and skills may be presented: STEP 2: Application Package Knowledge and Skills Portfolio Evidence of Learning continued Examples of ways learned knowledge and skills may be presented: Artifact Audio Blog Certificate Demonstration Description Essay Interview Journal Video
Timelines STEP 3: Assessment and Evaluation February 1st PLAR Application Package Due March Notified by email of the date, time and location of Formal Tests/Assessments. Note: A conference with the teacher assessor may be required. April Formal Tests/Assessments Note: May require multiple evenings. May Student Report with final grade will be mailed to home school to be added to the student’s transcript.
Accommodations STEP 3: Assessment and Evaluation Accommodations will be provided to eligible special education students and English Language Learners; Students requiring these supports are asked to consult with the teacher–assessor prior to the Formal Tests/Assessments.
How will I be assessed/evaluated? STEP 3: Assessment and Evaluation How will I be assessed/evaluated? The assessment and evaluation will be based on evidence collected from three different sources: observations, conversations, and products. Sources Examples 1. Observation Demonstration Performance 2. Conversations Interview Conference 3. Products Journal Written Test (Source Growing Success Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools)
How will I be assessed/evaluated? continued STEP 3: Assessment and Evaluation How will I be assessed/evaluated? continued Your knowledge & skills will be assessed in all 4 of the achievement categories: Knowledge & Understanding Thinking Communication Application Refer to achievement chart categories and rubrics specific to the subject area of the course being challenged.
How will the final grade be determined? STEP 3: Assessment and Evaluation How will the final grade be determined? Knowledge and Skills Portfolio (70%) Variety of assessments submitted by the student by February 1st. Formal Tests/Assessments (30%) Balance between written work and practical demonstrations administered by the teacher-assessor in April evening(s).
How will results be communicated to the student and parent/guardian ? STEP 4: Recording and Reporting How will results be communicated to the student and parent/guardian ? A Student Report will be sent to the home school to share with the student and their family.
How are my results shared with my school? STEP 4: Recording and Reporting How are my results shared with my school? A Final Report will be sent to your home school. 1. Your Guidance Counsellor will: 2. The following will be recorded on your Ontario Student Transcript (OST): file the Final Report in your OSR, and update your credit history. a percentage grade for any successfully challenged Grade 10 course; a percentage grade for both successfully and unsuccessfully Grade 11 and 12 courses challenged.
If you require more information please contact: Instructional Coordinator Pathways, Guidance and Career Education 905 890-1010 ext. 2551