Key Terms and Definitions Medieval Life Key events 1265 Parliament meets for the first time 1347 - Black Death hits Venice (Italy) June 1348 – Black Death arrived in England (Dorset). 1351 - Edward III introduces the Statute of Labourers June 1381 - Richard II meets the rebels. 1381 The peasants revolt 1450 The wars of the roses starts 1485 Henry Tudor becomes king. Key Terms and Definitions Black Death - A plague that devastated Europe in the fourteenth century. Buboes - Onion shaped swellings that were usually the first symptom of the Black Death. Miasma - Theory that disease was caused by a poisonous cloud of ‘bad air’. Bubonic plague - the most common type of plague, named after the buboes. Pneumonic plague - a more deadly type of plague that attacked the lungs. Flagellant - a religious sect that punished themselves for sins by whipping their bodies. Peasants’ Revolt - major uprising across England in 1381. Yeomen - a new class in medieval England; commoners who farmed their own land. Poll Tax - everyone (rich and poor) paid the same amount
Medieval Life Key People Edward III – Edward was king at the time of the black death Richard II – Richard became king at the age of 10. The first crisis of Richard's reign was the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. The young king bravely rode out to meet the rebels. John Bull – Was a priest who supported the peasants revolt. Wat Tyler – Wat was the leader of the peasants revolt. Nobles - these were people of "noble" rank and birth. You were a noble if you were born into a noble family. Noble families were those who had received titles from the prince or king and owned the land. Bishops - Bishops were usually accorded the same respect and titles as nobles, in England to this day, a Bishop is titled "Lord”. The difference is that a Bishop's title was not inherited, but granted Monks – Lived alone or in a monastery and dedicated their life to God. Key Concepts Heir – the person who is next in line to the throne. Protest – an act that shows people are unhappy. Rebellion – a violent protest Religion – the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, usually a God.