Blood Tfr cells are immature but are not committed in the thymus. Blood Tfr cells are immature but are not committed in the thymus. (A) Backgate of CXCR5− and CXCR5+ Treg cells according to CD45RO and Foxp3 expression. (B) Expression of CD45RO, CD45RA, CCR7, CD62L, HLA-DR, and CD27 by Tfr cells (red) and CXCR5− Treg cells (black) in the blood. (C) Expression of Ki-67 by CXCR5+ Treg cells and CXCR5− Treg cells in the blood (n = 22; Student’s t test). (D) CD45RO+CCR7− effector memory, CD45RO+CCR7+ central memory, and CD45RO−CCR7+ naïve subsets of Tfr cells and CXCR5− Treg cells in adult blood. Representative plots (left) and pooled data (right) (n = 22; Student’s t test). Tfh cells are represented in blue, CXCR5− Treg cells in black, and Tfr cells in red. (E) Variation of CD45RO−CCR7+ naïve Tfr cell and CXCR5− Treg cell frequency in blood according to age (n = 22; linear regression). (F) Expression of CXCR5 by Foxp3+CD4+ thymocytes (n = 4). (G) Expression of CXCR5 by cord blood Foxp3+CD4+ T cells (n = 3). (H) Expression of CD45RO, CCR7, and ICOS by cord blood Treg cells (n = 3). Bars represent SEM. Valter R. Fonseca et al. Sci. Immunol. 2017;2:eaan1487 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works