Because the conflagration was aided by wind, it was so destructive that every building in the area was completely burned to the ground.
What is the definition of ‘conflagration’ in this context? You can figure it out be using context clues.
Context Clues- Words in the sentence that help you guess the meaning of a different word. Wait…. why can’t we just use a dictionary? The context of a story is incredibly important. The context is the circumstances or the setting that something takes place in. In a sentence, the words that are familiar to use in a sentence form the context for the words we do not know.
There are 4 types of Context Clues: Synonym Antonym Explanation Example Each represent different ways you can find the definition of an unknown word in a sentence.
Explanation- The word is defined in the sentence. Synonym- A synonym is a word that means the same as another word. Look for words that mean the same and are used in the same sentence. Example: Bill felt remorse, or shame, for his harsh words Antonym- An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Look for words that mean the opposite and are used in the same sentence. Example: Although some men are loquacious, others hardly talk at all Explanation- The word is defined in the sentence. Example: The patient is so somnolent that she requires medication to help her stay awake for more than a short time. Example- The sentence provides an example of the unknown word. Example: Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are governed by predictable laws.
Put on your detective hats…. It's time for some super fun examples: What is the definition of the underlined word? How do you know? Since we grew up in the city, we only knew urban life.
Since the writer grew up in the city, it makes sense that they would know only about what its like to live in the city. Because of this… we can reason. that urban means ‘city-like.’ Since we grew up in the city, we only knew urban life.
Lets try some more…. Most campers did not say anything, but Mary was quite vocal.
Lets try some more…. She dug with her trowel because a shovel was too big.