Review of planned subdivisions A Conservation District Authority and Responsibility
State Statute 18-5-306 – Subdivisions Permits (b) The board shall require the applicant to obtain review and recommendations from the local conservation district regarding soil suitability, erosion control, sedimentation and flooding problems. The review and recommendations shall be completed within sixty (60) days.
What should be included: Soil suitability Erosion control Sedimentation Flooding concerns
The Conservation District Responsibility If your District is not currently receiving copies of all proposed subdivisions from the county planner, the District should request such in writing. Recommend that your District have a one on one meeting with county planner to discuss district roles and responsibilities. The District may want to develop/obtain a checklist to ensure adequate review of subdivision based on statutory language. A comprehensive checklist including suggested information on soil, water, vegetation, animal and human health concerns is available from the Wyoming Department of Agriculture.
The District must provide review and submit recommendations within 60 days. The District board or staff should be involved in the review Conservation Districts can charge a fee for completing the subdivision reviews. The following charge the fee indicated: Sublette County CD - $300 application fee, and if landowner chooses $15/acre for district gathering of data and information ($700 minimum) Sheridan County CD - $4.00/acre - $40 minimum
Note: Conservation Districts should ensure that the Supervisors are actively involved in the review and the District is not charging if the NRCS field office staff are independently completing the review The Districts review is advisory in nature to the County Commissioners, however the review should be thorough and comprehensive given that decisions may be based on the review and future resource impacts experienced