Technology Access and Kids By Mark Raffler This Powerpoint designed to outline material developed by Mary Whyte, Mike Champion, and Mark Raffler 2-20-12
We need to use the technology the kids have access to! Now what would you do tomorrow if you had lead a group of kids in a technology integrated lesson? Take the next few minutes to brainstorm what activity you might do incorporating technology with your class, how you would complete the activity, and why you would complete that activity.
Think 3: Content, Process, Procedure Content: You need to think through the content of your lesson or what do you want them to learn? Process: You need to think of the process of your lesson or how will they step by step do the activity to meet the content benchmarks. Procedures: You need to think through the behavior management procedures you will use in the technology enhanced setting.
Content Tips Plan activities to reinforce concepts that you are teaching. Pre-select the internet sites you want to do with kids. Kids should rarely need to search. Limit your online sites to 4 or less.
Process Tips Have a plan - a step by step procedure written down for students. Try activity first with the technology you and the students will access. Know how students connect to Internet. Do they need passwords. Make sites available without having to type URL’s.
Management Procedure Tips Review in the classroom the policies for using technology. Have consistent technology procedures. If your building does not have procedures then make up your own. How will you set up where the kids sit or how they access the technology? How will the kids ask for help? Printing
Other Factors to lead to success with technology use! Modeling – The kids need to see your directions to understand what to do. Tech Buddies – Buddy lower grade students with upper grade students. Tech Mentor – Find a teacher in your building who likes technology and uses the school equipment. Share with your Grade Level – Collaborate with others and share your ideas.
Still more success factors in the lab! Start Simple Michigan Educational Technology Standards (METS) – Know the state technology benchmarks and plan a wide variety of applications. Practice ahead! Back up plan! Good transition in place to get kids to the next part of instruction in the day.
How can I Implement Technology Now? METS/Technology Requirements Skype Podcasting Blogging SmartBoard Technology Enhanced Assessments Documents More ideas – websites to use (Link)
Educational Technology – The Future My path Trends you need to take notice of – (Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Project Based Learning (PBL), Common Core State Standards(CCSS), SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Stay informed and be efficient