Mapping Guided Pathways Through the Core Curriculum Sharon A. Manna Catherine Olivarez
Objectives for today Review the 4 pillars of Guided Pathways Where does TF1 fit? Explain the process for creating program maps District-wide faculty/student services participation Link guided pathways to the core curriculum Discuss ways to ensure student learning
The 4 “pillars” of Guided Pathways * Mapping pathways -- beginning with the end in mind to student end goals. Helping students choose and enter a program pathway. Keeping students on a path. * Ensuring that students are learning. *TF1 responsibilities
Phase II Summer Mapping Team Group of Faculty and Student Services Staff Work collaboratively to develop and review guided pathways Who are they? Sherry Boyd Steve Carter Renee Flowers Kevin Giles Shaun Gilligan Alla Kelman MaryAnn McGuirk Nahid Pope Emily Berkowitz Tim Sullivan Rachel Tiede Zu Watanabe Sobia Khan Janita Patrick Gregory Ruuska
What is the Summer Mapping Team Reviewing? Guided Pathways in Disciplines that students major in when they transfer to a university. Example: Guided Pathway: Design/Graphic Design Arts discipline committee would review Degree is Associate of Arts with art courses Prepares student for that major Transfer Guides/Degree Plans Catalog Information
Guide Pathway Provides information about this particular set of courses and what it can lead to for a student.
Course Matching Sheet We have matched courses across top institutions to give faculty an idea of which courses align best in a Guided Pathway.
How GPS supports the Core Purpose of the Core Curriculum: “The Core Curriculum is a set of courses that provides the knowledge, skills and experiences you need to succeed in college and in life.” 3 Tiers of acquired knowledge and skills providing an “academic foundation” which transfers. Purpose of Guided Pathways: Informed, intentional choice of Core courses Proper sequence of course-taking to fulfill goals of the Core
The 4th pillar – Ensuring that Students are Learning First Steps: familiarity with programs within your Career Path Engaging students on their Career Paths/guided pathways Collaboration on Career Path learning outcomes
Questions/Next Steps Q1: How can we incorporate students’ Career Paths into our assessments? Q2: What do faculty NEED to able able to more easily incorporate and contextualize and link GPS to student learning? Q3: How do we include our Adjunct Faculty?