Thinking About Giving Blood?
Prerequisites Must be at least 16 years of age. Must have usable veins. (No drugs) Must be healthy on the day of donation. You must meet the height/weight requirement. (see flyer) If you are anemic you cannot donate. No physical activity the day of.
Who Will You Benefit? One pint of blood can save up to three people. There is an extreme shortage of blood especially type O, O-,A- and B-. Your blood will go to cancer patients, people with Sickle Cell Anemia, Premature Babies, Accident Victims, surgeries, and other operations and diseases.
How Will You Benefit? You helped up to 3 people. Free cookies and drinks. You get out of class*. Free Goodies (T-shirt, Flip-Flops, etc.) Oh and did we mention you just saved up to three peoples’ lives? *Students with classes required for graduation are encouraged to NOT sign up during these classes, but find a class that is more suitable.
So How Does it Work? The Red Cross has trained nurses that will put you through a series of tests. If you are eligible for donation they will sanitize the area before inserting the needle. (you will only feel a slight pinch!) Only one pint of blood will be taken. The blood is then packaged and sent to the blood bank where it is stored until needed by the hospital.
How Should You Prepare? Get a good night sleep. Drink as much water as possible. Avoid all caffeinated products. Eat iron rich foods the day before (broccoli, cereal, spinach, red meat, poultry, fish, raisins, and beans.)!!! EAT a Healthy Breakfast !!!
Where Can You Sign Up? We have permission slips!!!!! Before school everyday in front of the library. In the cafeteria during A2, A3,B2 and B3. All other blocks, go to the nurse to sign up. Sign ups begin Wednesday 22nd. The Blood Drive is Wednesday 29th.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Any questions, see Mr. DeMott (Room 300)