Napoleon Takes Control 6.4 Napoleon Takes Control
Napoleon’s beginnings Napoleon attends military school; joins army of new government when revolution begins Napoleon defends National Convention from mob – becomes hero Napoleon defeats Austria – legend grows Loses battle in Egypt, but keeps news of defeat silent Coup d'état = sudden seizure of power Napoleon uses army to disband legislature Napoleon becomes leader of 3-man council Napoleon signs peace treaty w/Britain, Austria, Russia
Napoleon Takes Power Napoleon establishes national banking system Sets up lycees (schools to train government officials) Signs a concordat (agreement) with Pope to bring back Catholic Church Creates Napoleonic Code – series of laws Eliminates many injustices Limits freedom of speech and press Names himself emperor
Napoleon & Conquest Toussaint L’Overture leads slave revolt on San Domingue Napoleon cannot stop revolt – decides to concentrate efforts in Europe Napoleon sells Louisiana Territory to U.S. – 2 benefits Raise $$ Help Britain’s enemy Napoleon wins many battles as he controls more land in Europe – Ottoman, Sweden, Portugal, England not under Napoleon’s control Austria, Russia, Prussia sign peace treaties Loses Battle of Trafalgar (naval battle) – 2 effects: Britain keeps naval superiority Napoleon cannot invade Britain