UK HARVESTS ONE Mystical Tradition-Pre-dating Christianity Corn God-Roman Grain God Ceres. Made Corn Dolls. Life & Death Time-next Year. Religious.


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Presentation transcript:

UK HARVESTS ONE Mystical Tradition-Pre-dating Christianity Corn God-Roman Grain God Ceres. Made Corn Dolls. Life & Death Time-next Year. Religious Celebrations. Later-New Moon nearest Autumn Equinox. 21-23 September. St Michaels Mass 29 Sept. Hence Michaelmass period leading to Advent.

BIBLICAL HARVEST THEMES TWO Mt.13.Parables. Sower. (Seed). Harvest-The End of The World. Wheat & Tares Grow Together till Harvest. Mt. 7. By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them. Eph.1v10. God Completes The Harvest. Isaiah 46 v10. Declaring The End from The Beginning and from Ancient Times Things that are Not Yet Done.

ISRAELI FEASTS-LEVITICUS 23 SHADOW-THINGS TO COME. THREE Passover. (Pesach)The Cross. Spring First-Fruits. Resurrection. Barley. Unleavened Bread. Life of Purity from Sin. Shavuot.(Pentecost) Wheat. Early Summer Trumpets. Messiah Returns to Earth. Autumn Atonement. Surviving Jews Return to Jesus. Sukkot.(Tabernacles).Messianic Kingdom. Fruit. Tabernacles. Messianic Kingdom Begins. Redemption Complete.

FULFILLMENT OF BIBLICAL FEASTS FOUR Spring Feasts. Fulfilled in Detail at First Advent. Pentecost. Fulfilled. Acts 2 and ? Autumn Feasts. Speak of-Second Advent. Trumpets. Messiah’s Return to Earth. Atonement. Surviving Jews Turn to Messiah. Tabernacles. Start of Millenial Reign.

7 FEASTS. LEVITICUS 23 FIVE APPOINTED TIMES OF THE LORD 3 are Pilgrim Feasts. (All Males Attend The Temple Celebrations). Passover-First-Fruits-Unleavened Bread. April Pentecost. (Whitsuntide) May/June Tabernacles. September

HOW ARE PILGRIM FEASTS SIX SHADOW OF THINGS TO COME Spring. Deliverance from Sin and from Nations on Earth.(Lk.22v15-18) Autumn. Celebrate-Millenium. All Nations will be Represented. (Zech.14 v16) Pentecost. Don’t Know? Like Sinai? (Wind-Fire-Lord’s Presence). Read Book of Ruth. (Gentile Bride).

2 NEW TESTAMENT MYSTRIES SEVEN Mystery-not Revealed in Old Testament. Church.(Ephesians 3). Rapture.(1 Corinthians 15 v 50-) Acts 2-Church Born on A Day. Spirit Fullness. 1.Cor.15-Church Gone on A Day. No Fullness. Sinai First Shofar-Rapture Last. Jews Confused-Pentecost-Rapture a Mystery?

FIRST-FRUITS TO PENTECOST EIGHT First-fruits. Wave Offering. Barley Sheaf. Jesus First-Fruits-Resurrection. 1 Cor. 15v20. Church Resurrection (Rapture) Follows-v23. Process. Best Grains Selected-Flour Ground-Baked-Full Completion. Like Salvation and Discipleship? Pentecost. Wave Offering-2 Leavened Wheat Loaves. (Jew & Gentile?).Presented to The Lord. Complete.

PENTECOST (GREEK=50) NINE CALLED FEAST OF WEEKS 7 Weeks After First-fruits. (7=Scripture-Perfection) Typifying-The Church-Pentecost-Rapture. Sabbath After 49 Days From First-Fruits. 50 (50=Scripture-Completion) Called-Counting the Omer.(Grain Measurement) Tick off Calendar Days-like Advent Calendar. WHY? Titus 2 v 13. Looking For The Blessed Hope. John 12 v 24-25-26. Love your Life or Hate it?

COUNTING DAYS TO HARVEST TEN Ps.90v4.1000 years=A Day-Even Watch in The Night. Ps.90v10. Our Days=70-80. 2 Peter 3 v 3-8. Ps.90v12. Teach us to Number Our Days. Joy in Harvesting. Isaiah 9 v 3 The Sluggard Has Nothing. Prov. 13v4 Paul 2 Tim.4 v7.Finished Race. Crown of Righteousness. Our Harvest Date-Death or Rapture-Unknown. Jews say Feast of Unknown Date.(Special Sabbaths) Jesus Return Date-Unknown. Do Know Times-Seasons.

SIMILARITIES OF SHAVUOT TO THE RAPTURE. EL’VN 1.Not a Directly Fixed Prophetic Date. 2.Not Necessary in Millenium 3.Not Related to any specifically Jewish Event 4.Wave Offering at Shavuot as at First-Fruits refers-Resurrection. Jesus First-Fruits in Order. 1 Cor. 15 v 23. 5.Unleavened Bread at First-Fruits but 2 Leavened Loaves at Shavuot indicating completion and Jew and Gentile.

HARVEST FRUIT? TW’LV Fruit of the Spirit.(Gal.5v22). Holiness (Rom.6v22). Amongst Gentiles-Seems to include Souls(Rom.1v13). Peaceable Fruit of R. (Hebrews 12 v 11.) Of Lips (Heb.13v15). Millenial Fruit (Rev. 22v2). Lord “Prunes” us to Produce Much Fruit.

HARVEST FRUIT CONTINUED TH’N Use of “Talents” Given. (Matt. 25.) Spiritual Gifts Received.(1 Cor. 12.) Fruit of Souls-Lord’s Responsible.(Rom.8 v30) We are Required to Witness.(Matt. 28v19-20). Few Responded to Warning of Major Prophets. Ezekiel-Watchmen.(Ez.33v6). Physical Death. The Principle Applies to Gospel.

DRINK OFFERING NUMBERS.28. FT’N Sacrifices AM/PM/Monthly/Sabbaths/Seasonal. Feasts. Pentecost. Wine or Strong Drink. Last Activity on Sacrifice. Phil.2v17.Sacrifice=Drink Offering. He Poured Out Life lived as offering to God-suffer for His sake. Counting to Personal Resurrection? Counting to Rapture? Watch & Wait. Times & Seasons are Here. BE READY!