Year seven/eight
Do you play video games? As you can see video games are a big part of our lives as teenagers – and even some of the teachers had their hands up. This is why we chose the topic for our assembly. In the UK, we have the biggest video game market in the whole of Europe. In 2016 we spent £25.1billion on video games, hardware and accessories.
We are the 3rd largest market in the world We have the biggest market for video games in Europe!! We are the 3rd largest market in the world The UK population is just 63.23million. We are third in the world for video game sales, only beat by China and USA who have much larger populations.
53.9% Population 63.23 million Number of gamers 33.6 million 33.6 Of our population of 63.23 million it is estimated that 33.6million play video games, that is over half of our population – and that’s a large number of people considering our population includes REALLY old people…AND babies that won’t necessarily play the games!! It’s fair to say the majority of people who CAN play on computer games…DO play computer games! 53.9% 33.6 X 100 = 63.23
Who plays? 51% Male 49% Female
How long do they play each week? 13 hours per week 5 hours per week Q
Only 7% monitor the time spent playing video games A survey of the parents of gamers found … Only 7% monitor the time spent playing video games And maybe you need to get your parents to help you cut down your time playing games. Only 7% of parents monitor the time we spend playing our computers, which means we may play for long periods of time without even thinking about it – get your parents to give you a time limit to stick to.
Worrying…. Last week in Russia In September last year, a student kidnapped a woman and her truck and smashed into 9 different cars. He was fined £60,000 for the damages and his criminal actions. Last week another student was caught on CCTV running a man over, crashing into oncoming traffic and then mounting the pavement to hit more people and parked cars.
Blurred lines between REALITY and virtual-reality Worrying…. Blurred lines between REALITY and virtual-reality Another worry about gaming is that the lines between reality and virtual reality are becoming blurred. Because games are now so advanced, teenagers who are still making sense of the world around them are losing touch with right and wrong, losing touch with good and bad, and misunderstanding what is acceptable in the REAL world ……
Studies in recent years reveal that… Tend to be more aggressive Are more prone to confrontation with their teachers May engage in fights with their peers See a decline in school achievements Youngsters who play video games for prolonged periods of time… children our age show more aggression if they play computer games for long time periods. They also reported that they are more likely to argue with their school teachers and may even be more likely to fight with other teenagers. These studies have also found that children our age that play computer games for long periods have seen a decline in school performance. We thought it would be important to focus on this seen as we are still quite new to secondary school.
School can help you be SUCCESSFUL in life School work is a HUGE factor in being successful. Yet, the majority of us would rather sit and play games than do homework. Doesn’t this seem strange? A 2010 study found that kids who spend too much time playing games and watching TV tend to have rubbish attention spans in school. In fact, they said that just 2 hours of gaming per day HALVES the time you can concentrate for.
Gaming can have a NEGATIVE effect on body weight
Gaming has a NEGATIVE impact on social skills
Gaming can NEGATIVELY affect mood and emotional health
Do you give yourself a time limit for computer games each day? Another way of doing it is timing your ‘computer time’ on your phone and giving yourself a limit. For example, 2 hours each day. Playing for shorter periods will help avoid muscle and posture problems later in life. It’s thought that sitting in front of a screen for prolonged times can lead to poor posture and muscle pain
Strategies for sensible gaming. You could… Have a set time for doing homework Don’t play games until homework is done Play computer games for just twice as long as you do homework Only play games at the weekend Play suitable games Do other activities Going out with friends instead of staying in with the computer
Year 9/10/11
GAMIFICATION Now a recognised marketing strategy used by companies to sell products ……. A simple example – challenge to employees:
How did Sainsbury’s respond to being caught in the act?
How was this reported?
WHY WOULD THIS WORK? Businesses realise that gaming encourages spending ………. £511,000,000.00
GAMIFICATION in car insurance
Tutorial time Discuss other areas where you have seen ‘gamification’ being used to influence your spending habits or how you live your life. Think of something that you could ‘gamify’ – try to make it something educational! Do you think gamification is a good thing – what does it say about how powerful gaming is in today’s society?