What is Site plan and Site Plan Rendering Service Linesgraph
What is a Site Plan? A site plan is an architectural plan, landscape architecture document, and a detailed engineering drawing of proposed improvements to a given lot. A site plan usually shows a building footprint, travelways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.
Details that are Included in a Site Plan 1. Details of the Property line or Building set-back lines 2. Driveway and turn-around location 3. Set-back from the road, Lake, Cliff edge, or other natural features 4. Landscaping features, such as retaining walls and planted beds 5. Trees to be left standing to complement the future man-made landscaping
What is a Site Plan Rendering/Drafting Service? A Site Plan Drafting services provides a graphical representation of the arrangement of the Building, Parking, Landscaping, Travelway, and other structures that are present within and beyond the boundaries of an existing property. They are also mentioned as Site Plan Draft.
Details that are Included in a Site Plan Draft 1. The size and position of the existing building (and any extensions proposed) in relation to the property boundary 2. The position and use of any other buildings within the property boundary 3. The position and width of any adjacent streets
Major Differences between a Site Plan & Site Plan Draft Site Plan : ● A Site plan is created for a new building from an architect with all the required details for getting an approval ● The plan has proper scale of the complete area with the detailed measurement ● The distances mentioned here are very accurate Site Plan Draft: ● A Draft is created for Marketing Purpose based on an existing building ● The plan just gives an overview of Constructed area ● The distances may or maynot be mentioned in the plan, mostly based on what the client needs
Applications Of a Site Plan & Site Plan Draft 1. Details about the placement of drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water & Electricity lines 2. Helps in the sales of the Property by making it more friendly for online Marketing 3. Gives details about the dimensions between the structures 4. Helps in getting approval for any changes performed on the Property
Tip: Q: What is the difference between a site plan and a Plot plan? Ans: There are non, as both of them are just synonyms! Conclusion: The main advantage of a Site Plan Draft is that if you do not have a Site plan of your property and need one then the best option is to choose a Site Plan Draft since it is very affordable and easy to get it done. Also an Architect will cost you around $90 to $120 per hour to work on a Site plan when you can get a CAD Drafter to do the site Plan of your Property for $35 to $60 an hour.
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