Welcome to he UK !
«A journey of a thousand miles starts begins with knowing the capital of the country.» Lewis Carrol
The role of English in the modern world
Geography The United Kingdom Great Britain England
National currency 1 GBP = 77.21 RUB
Ouiz. London stands on the … Thames. Severn. Avon. The Queen’s official London home is … the Tower of London. Windsor Castle. Buckingham Palace. What do the English often put in the tea? Jam. Milk. Fruit. Taxis in London are usually… green. black. yellow. Who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Agatha Christie. Daniel Defoe.
Ouiz. Where do men wear kilt? In England. In Scotland. In Wales. What are the colours of the British flag? Blue, red, white. Red, green, black. White, blue, brown. Which holydays is on December 25? St. Valentine’s Day. Easter. Christmas. A famous waxworks museum in London is … MOMI. the British Museum. Madame Tussaud’s museum. Daniel Defoe was a famous English… poet. writer. artist.
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