Communist Party (Canada)
History of Communism Founder of communism “Karl Marx” In 1992 the canadian communist government was secretly created Was rebranded in 1924 was called workers party 0 times in power 0 seats
Characteristics of Communism in Theory Elimination of private property Free education for all children Command economy What’s taken from the people is used for the people Resources is distributed by needs of people Public welfare over self interests Absence of money and ownership to establish social orders Classless Moneyless Stateless
Communist Party of Canada Formed in 1924 Goal to achieve a socialist society based on lenin and Karl Marx’s ideas Was harassed by the RCMP in its early years Attempted to change the way the gov’t with violence Many leaders of communist party became leaders of canada trade union Many members of the party was arrested for providing intel to the soviets During WWII The party received little attention after WWII
Party Policies Environmental aid= the CPC firmly believes that a healthy enviroment is essential and will therefore crack down on pollution to secure a future for the youth Police violence= the CPC also believes that in today’s society it is to easy for the police force to abuse their power with incidents popping up over the country this is a pressing issue Immigration= Currently there are many people trying to move in and out of Canada, the CPC is there to lend a hand and firmly believes in acceptance to immigrants Anti racism= perhaps one of the most heart breaking things is racism, the CPC plans to abolish this atrocity and believes it is unacceptable
Logos,visuals,colours,and slogans Red has historically been associated with Socialism or communism. The color started with Russia, they had a red army. The meaning of the flag is that people seeks to unit, with a single party, all who fight for socialism on this revolutionary basicis. Also, the sign represents fearlessness. People in the communist party are all following not one rule, but all have one belief and one goal to conquer. Rather than repeating slogans as the other parties do, Communist party chose show with their action.
Communist Party of Canada More career based work for Fraser Heights students More environmental courses Same immigration policy Use 3% more on economy Use 20% more money on the military