HIV/AIDS Goodluck Tristan!!!
What are the causes of this issue? It is a Sexually Transmitted Disease, easily spread through any bodily fluids It can be acquired through unprotected sex, botch blood transfusions, sharing of needles and through open wounded contact with infected blood Rape and drug use can also contribute to the spread of HIV due to the above mentioned reasons Promiscuity is also a contributing factor
How Does This Affect People's Lives? Many children are either born HIV positive are their parents can't look after them as they are HIV positive. The person infected will be affected most as HIV/AIDS is incurable and eventually leads to death and medicine to treat the symptoms is expensive The families of the affected persons are also in a bad position as it is now apparent they they will lose a family member The community is also affected as people feel a fear stemming from the unknown about HIV/AIDS, poorer communities have more recorded AIDS sufferers
Who is most affected? Us as people, AIDS is indiscriminate and can affect people regardless of creed or colour, wealth only factors in when speaking about the purchase of Antiretrovirals which help fight the HIV virus in it's earlier stages The families are also largely affected as they are now left to care for the sick persons in their times of need and left with the knowledge that they will eventually lose said persons
Possible solutions For the most part HIV/AIDS is incurable Bone marrow transplants have an extremely small chance of curing the virus however are worth the shot. Lead a healthy lifestyle to increase survivability. Get help from counsellors etc. to help deal with the situation. A lot of support from the community really keeps up the spirits of the actual HIV/AIDS infected person and those around him/her.