Title - How should I analyse thee? 12 November 2019 Title - How should I analyse thee? What scenes can you recall without looking? What is Romeo and Juliet really about? What frameworks should you use for the essay? What are four major themes of the play? Get ahead and read the extract! Can you spot a theme straight away? What about structure?
How do we use the question to help us? 25
Class Model… Fire-eyed Fury – technique – Alliteration In the extract Shakespeare presents Romeo as to be furious as he uses the phrase ‘fire-eyed fury’ this highlights the fact that Romeo is clearly not a very nice person and perhaps isn’t mentally stable. In the extract Shakespeare presents Romeo as a wrathful young man overcome by bloodlust. The alliterative phrase ‘fire-eyed fury’ highlights the fact that Romeo is clearly mourning the death of his friend and is mentally unstable. This could also be interpreted as a lashing out at the authority around him and his outrage at the way he has been treated. 11f
Model - In the extract Shakespeare presents Romeo as one of the more respected characters in the play. For example when Benvolio calls his name ‘o Romeo, o Romeo’ this is shown clearly because Romeo has the most speech in the scene. This also shows that Romeo is a well respected character however this also tells us he is a big character with a big ego because he talks about himself a lot, for example in the quote ‘ I am fortune’s fool’ In the extract Romeo is presented as a selfish, immature young Elizabethan male who blames his actions on fate. The use of alliteration ‘ fortunes fool’ and references to ‘ this day’s black fate’ give the impression that Romeo will not take responsibility for his actions, blames others and wants sympathy. This could also tell us that Romeo is finally mourning the consequences of his actions and realises the depth of his incompetence.
How do we use the question to help us? 25