Fig. 3 Views of the Denisova 3 DP5. Views of the Denisova 3 DP5. (A) Virtual reconstruction of the Denisova 3 DP5 in dorsal view. Three fragments of the Denisova 3 DP5 are shown. Natural color: Photograph of the distal two-thirds of the phalanx; green: semiring of the dorsal surface of the proximal extremity of the diaphysis of the reconstituted image based on the μCT scan; blue: its proximal articular surface. (B) Virtual reconstruction based on the μCT scan of the Denisova 3 DP5 in palmar view. (C) Virtual reconstruction of the proximal articular fragment in distal (top) and lateral (middle) views, and the dorsopalmar μCT section of this piece at the level of the fusion (bottom). The D-P line (D, dorsal; P, palmar) represents the location of the section on the distal view and helps to orient the bone in the lateral view. The red arrows indicate the fusing zone. (D) Additional views of the distal fragment and the virtual reconstruction of the proximal part of the Denisova phalanx. 1 and 2: Lateral views of the distal fragment; 3: distal; 4: proximal; 5 and 6: lateral views of the proximal fragment. The gray surfaces on the outer border of the phalanx correspond to the forceps with which the phalanx was held while the photo was taken. Photos of the distal part of the phalanx were taken by E.-M.G., IJM, CNRS, Université de Paris, UMR 7592, Paris, France. The renderings of the μCT scans and the virtual reconstruction were performed by B.V., Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. E. Andrew Bennett et al. Sci Adv 2019;5:eaaw3950 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).