Academic Revenue & Enrolment Planning Adaptive Insights Academic Revenue & Enrolment Planning
Agenda Enrolment Planning Navigation Entering Enrolment Projections Academic Revenue Program Information Entering Program Information Getting your data
Enrolment Planning
Enrolment Planning - Revenue Enrolment projections will now be entered in Adaptive Insights – replacing the EMS (Enrolment Management System) Entering enrolment projections for Full Time Funded activity only The same components are required – reg max, reg min, delivery mode, campus, category, etc Domestic/International enrolments entered separately Program activity information (start/end dates, etc) will be entered on a separate sheet Projections entered under the Enrolment Planning Sheet will drive the Academic Revenue sheet
Navigation 1 Open the navigation menu Go to Sheets 2 3 Open the navigation menu Go to Sheets Select Enrolment Planning
Enrolment Planning Navigation
Enrolment Planning Navigation Select the month of your semester (ie. Spring = May-2019, Fall = Sep-2019, Winter = Jan-2020 Enter the cost centre associated with the Program All programs associated with the cost centre you entered will be listed All campuses associated with the program you entered will be listed All delivery modes associated with the program you entered will be listed All categories associated with the program you entered will be listed *** Each one of these needs to selected in order for you to be able to enter enrolment projections ***
Enrolment Planning This view allows you to see your total School/Department enrolments. If you want to see just your Graduate Certificates, change Category to ‘4-Post Diploma’, etc Because I have chosen 2019-2020 as my ‘Time’ and Academic Services as my ‘Levels’, I see all enrolments for the 2019-2020 budget year for Area 5
Enrolment Planning Entering Enrolment Projections Grey cells – cannot be entered into White cells – are open for data entry Blue cells – are calculated subtotals
Enrolment Planning Entered on this sheet: Term Reg Min/Max Entering Enrolment Projections Entered on this sheet: Term Reg Min/Max Domestic/International projections by Level Blue numbers – are values you’ve entered. If they are dark blue they are not saved – don’t forget to save Once you’ve saved the sheet, the TOTAL enrolments will populate
Enrolment Planning IMPORTANT!! Entering Enrolment Projections IMPORTANT!! Time: You must enter the enrolment under the correct ‘time’. If you enter Sep-2019, enrolments are to be entered under the Fall column only Reg Max: Your total Level 1 enrolments cannot be greater than your Reg Max Notes: If you enter enrolments in the wrong corresponding time/semester they will not calculate revenue If your total level 1 enrolments is greater than your reg max, no revenue will be calculated
Enrolment Planning Entering Enrolment Projections To enter Enrolment Projections for a different term you MUST change the ‘Time’ to that month and enter the enrolments under that column ie. to enter Winter enrolments, change ‘time’ to Jan-2020 Tip: Use multiple windows!
Academic Revenue
Navigation 1 Open the navigation menu Go to Sheets 2 3 Open the navigation menu Go to Sheets Select Academic Revenue
Enrolment Planning Sheet Academic Revenue Sheet Tuition Fees Incidental Fees Coop Fees Int’l Premium
Academic Revenue
Academic Revenue Navigation Select the month of your semester (ie. Spring = May-2019, Fall = Sep-2019, Winter = Jan-2020 Enter the cost centre associated with the Program All programs associated with the cost centre you entered will be listed All campuses associated with the program you entered will be listed All delivery modes associated with the program you entered will be listed All categories associated with the program you entered will be listed All achievement levels (AAL’s) associated with the program you entered will be listed *** Each one of these needs to selected in order for you to be able to view your Academic Revenue ***
Academic Revenue The only entries you can make on the Academic Revenue sheet are Adjustments. If you are anticipating an increase to a tuition fee, incidental fee or co-op fee that has not yet been approved, you can enter it here as a lump sum
Academic Revenue Don’t see any revenue?? Check that you have used the correct ‘time’ for your semester Check that you have used the corresponding term column for your semester (ie. Sep-2019 = Fall) Check your Total Level 1 projection is not larger than your reg max
Program Information
All program and enrolment projection will now be entered in Adaptive Insights
Entering Program Activity Information The Program Information Sheet is where we capture the program activity information. By program level you will enter: Start and End dates Study Break dates Weeks Term Campus Delivery Mode Category Number of Weeks In the past you used multiple screens to enter this information – now it is on one sheet
Entering Program Activity Information On the Menu Bar – select the cost centre of the program (far right) You will get a blank screen – that’s ok! To begin entering your program activity, you need to add a row From here, start selecting your dates from the drop- down menu Don’t forget to SAVE!
Getting Your Data
Getting Your Data 1 2 3
Getting Your Data 1 2 3
Getting Your Data Enrolment reports are in development – More to Come! 1 2 3 Enrolment reports are in development – More to Come!
Additional Resources Expert Users: Cristy Montgomery (Academic) Shawn Qu (Academic) Denis Lefebvre (Academic)
Additional Resources Future Drop-In Sessions (will be provided during the 2019-2020 Q2 update and during the 2020-2021 budget process – details will be provided in future communications) Email: Training documents: Slide decks Recordings of training sessions Deloitte documents