Introduction – Hi, firstly I wanted to make sure that everyone has their phone on mute while I review the 3 steps in uploading the contract, and then I’ll open the floor up for questions during my live presentation and at the conclusion. I’m Charlie the real estate analyst… I am assisting the budget training 2020 process. I’m here to help today with step 1, which is uploading all of your contracts into the OneSite system. Previously, we’ve been housing all contracts in the f drive, we are now transferring all contract data and contracts into the system. First thing I am going to do is walk through step-by-step on how to do this step. Then, I will show you a live demonstration.
Budget Training Contracts Expert People. Exceptional Places. Purpose – To train applicable employees on how to upload their vendor contracts into RealPage OneSite, RKW’s new platform for budgeting. Expert People. Exceptional Places.
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE The process of uploading contracts has 3 primary steps: Create the vendor in the system with a contract schedule a) If vendor already exists, then you just have to create the contract schedule Assign the contract it to a property, a GL account, and an allocation percentage Upload the contract files Each of these steps has a couple “sub steps” that are outlined in the following slides:
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE Step 1 - Create the vendor in the system with a contract schedule a) Go to Real Page home site and click “OneSite” b) Sign into your account and select the hamburger menu in the top left corner. Select “Budgeting” from this list. This action will open a new window *Update screenshot
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE c) The very first thing you need to do is to make sure you maximize the new budgeting window to full screen. d) On the newly opened dashboard, make sure the “Property Management” tab is selected in the top left corner. Then click inside of the “Contracts” box e) Click the “All” tab and then select “New Contract”
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE f) For an existing vendor (you’ve previously added this vendor), select their name by clicking in the vendor field that is prefilled “existing” *Only one person will have to do this and then it will permanently be in the system – make sure you check the drop down list to see if the vendor is already existing. If not, follow the steps below to add it* *To add a new vendor into the system, click “Add Vendor” (below the vendor field) and fill out fields as follows: a. Number field – DON’T ADD ANYTHING IN THIS FIELD!! b. Enter the name of Vendor c. State field – All d. Status field – Active e. Click Save g) Fill in “Description” field h) Select “New Schedule” h
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE i) Fill out “Start Date”, “End Date” and “Amount” fields. Make sure the frequency matches to the correct amount (i.e. Frequency = monthly, the amount should be the monthly payment) j) Check “Email Expiration Reminder” and fill out the “Days Before Expires” and “Send Email To” fields k) If the contract is a multiple year contract (i.e. elevators and cable), select “Apply Annual Increase”, select style for annual increase, $ amount or the %, and enter in the specified amount and fill out the “Basis for Increase” field l) Click “Add” – Bottom right hand corner, may have to scroll down to see it k) Example of multi year contract would be a 4 year copier contract, valet living contract, etc.
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE Step 2 - Assign the contract it to a property, a GL account, and an allocation percentage a) Select the “Properties” tab located in the middle of the sheet b) Click “Add Property” c) Select the property or properties to which this contract applies. Hit “Select” *Note – Even if you selected the property before beginning any of the steps in this guide, you still have to do this step (c)!
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE d) Click “Assign GL Accounts”. Select the GL account you wish to assign the contract to. Click “Assign” e) Fill in “Allocation %”. This should always be 100% unless the contract is shared across other properties (you would have assigned this contract to multiple steps in the previous steps) in which case the percentage will proportionate to the total number of properties and will always add up to 100% (i.e. If one contract is shared over 2 properties, this field would be 50% for each property). f) Scroll up and click “Save” in the top right corner
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE Step 3 - Upload the contract files Select the contract – have to click blue link in description field (see picture on right) b) Click ‘Edit’ in top right corner
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE c) Click Documents tab d) Click +New Document e) Select “Click here” in the text box to add files. Then proceed to select the appropriate file(s) to upload f) Select “Upload All” - *If you can’t see this button, make sure you’re in full screen and window is maximized
Operational Standards of Excellence *Save to SP – Miglide can help *Insert SP link *Send to Christine to load into Business Support INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE g) Click save in top right All done!! REMINDER: The process of uploading contracts has 3 primary steps: Create the vendor in the system with a contract schedule a) If vendor already exists, then you just have to create the contract schedule Assign the contract it to a property, a GL account, and an allocation percentage Upload the contract files Each of these steps has a couple “sub steps” that have been outlined in the previous steps
Operational Standards of Excellence INSTRUCTIONS – STEP BY STEP GUIDE This resource can be found by clicking any of the URLs below: Sharepoint - Business Source - If you have any further questions, please call Charlie Kennedy @ 704-228-8022 ext 2042