Chancellor Glen D. Johnson Higher Education: A Focus On The Future OACUBO April 12, 2018 Chancellor Glen D. Johnson
Oklahoma by 2020 will require bachelor’s degree or higher. 67% of all jobs created in Oklahoma by 2020 will require some college, a long-term certificate or a college degree. 37% of all jobs created in Oklahoma by 2020 will require an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or higher. Source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Georgetown Center for Education and Workforce Development
“The inability of the state of Oklahoma to produce enough STEM graduates causes me great concern.” Lt. Gen. Lee K Levy II
FY 2019 Budget Need FY’18 Appropriation $773,597,659 FY’19 Appropriation Request 1. Degree Completion Programs and initiatives $107,000,000 Instruction and Academic Enterprise Requirements - $84.5 million b. Facility Renovation/Physical Plant Maintenance - $14.5 million c. Institutional Scholarships - $8.0 million 2. Financial Aid Programs $ 18,400,000 a. Restoration of Scholarship Programs - $7.6 million b. Full funding of Concurrent Enrollment Program - $10.8 million 3. Special Programs and Shared Services $ 2,900,000 a. Shared Services - $1.35 million b. Grants and Federal Matching Funds - $830,000 c. Summer Academies and Student Preparation Programs - $480,000 d. Degree Completion and Teacher Shortage Incentives - $240,000 Total FY’19 Budget Need $901,897,659 $ Difference from State FY’18 Appropriation $128,300,000 % Difference from State FY’18 Appropriation 16.6%
CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT $13.5 million CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT 13 Million Total Cost of Program 12 Million 11 Million $10.8 million 10 Million Cost if 100% Funded %Actual Funded 9 Million $10.8 Million Additional Student Need $8.3 million Source: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 8 Million $7.1 million 7 Million $6.2 million 6 Million $5.5 million 5 Million $4.9 million 62.8 % Funded 76.1 % Funded $4 million 4 Million $3.8 million 72.6 % Funded $3.1 million 3 Million $2.9 million 72.6 % Funded $2.6 million 72.6 % Funded 26.8 % Funded 2 Million 32.5 % Funded 100% Funded 72.2% Funded 20 % Funded 90.2% Funded 96% Funded 64.7% Funded 1 Million 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5
Higher Education Budget Share of Total Cut to Higher Education 60% State Reductions In Summary For each of the last three fiscal years Higher Education has received disproportionally large reductions when compared to the State’s annual change in available appropriated revenue. From FY’15 to FY’18, Higher Education’s reduction represents 60% of the State’s total reductions. Cut to All other State Agencies 40% Cut to Higher Education 60% Source: Fiscal Staff 6
State Appropriations FY2001-FY2018 or -21.7% $1,200,000,000 $1,050,970,669 $988,549,007 $1,000,000,000 $963,412,106 $814,772,157 $810,022,109 $800,000,000 $773,597,660 $600,000,000 $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $0 FY2001 FY2008 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 7
Appropriation Per Student FTE $9,000 $8,000 $7,658 $6,944 $7,000 $6,704 $6,831 $6,000 $5,791 $5,531 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 2000-01 2007-08 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (Est.) 8
87.3% Remain in the State Percent of Oklahoma Residents Who Graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree Remain In the State and are Employed In the State One Year After Graduation Source: Data from September 2017 Employment Outcomes
Maintain Current Law Regarding Weapons on Campus – A top priority at our public, private college and university’s and CareerTech campuses, is the safety and security of our students, faculty, staff and visitors and we have the responsibility to do everything that we can within our authority to make our campuses as safe and secure as they possible can be. The State Regents, all 25 institutions, all governing boards and law enforcement agencies believe that there is no scenarios where allowing guns on our campuses will do anything other than create a more dangerous environment for our students, our faculty, our staff and our visitors. Higher Education does not oppose the 2nd Amendment or gun ownership but does believe that the current law is working, in that it allows the President of an institution to decide on an individual basis if a request to allow the carrying of a weapon on their respective campus is warranted. 10
Task Force Sub-Committees Academic Program Innovations and Online Education Subcommittee College Degree Completion and Workforce Development Initiatives Subcommittee System Structure Subcommittee Fiscal Solutions, Efficiencies, Affordability and Technology Subcommittee
A Focus On The Future Higher Education: April 12, 2018 April 12, 2018 Chancellor Glen D. Johnson