that you could use to find it out. information you need to find it out. that you could use to find it out. to find it out that you have found out. Problem Solving Multiplicative Place Value What number is missing from this place value chart? INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THESE PROBLEMS: These problems are differentiated into 3 levels. Change the numbers to suit the levels of understanding in your class. Add further levels if necessary. For whole class whole lesson problem solving, copy problems A and B onto their own slides. Change the numbers in problems A and B on the slide with all 3 problems, to allow students to select the problem they are ready to solve independently at the end of the lesson. Students then create their own problem. For embedded problem solving, keep all problems on the same slide, allow students to select the problem they are ready to solve. What number is missing from this place value chart? What number is missing from this place value chart? Place Value 18
that you could use to find it out. information you need to find it out. that you could use to find it out. to find it out that you have found out. Problem Solving Multiplicative Place Value What number is missing from this place value chart? What number is missing from this place value chart? Martin drew a multiplicative place value chart. What number is he multiplying by to get the value of the column to the left? Place Value 18
that you could use to find it out. information you need to find it out. that you could use to find it out. to find it out that you have found out. Problem Solving Multiplicative Place Value What number is missing from this place value chart? What number is missing from this place value chart? Martin drew a multiplicative place value chart. What number is he dividing by to get the value of the column to the right? Place Value 18
that you could use to find it out. information you need to find it out. that you could use to find it out. to find it out that you have found out. Problem Solving Multiplicative Place Value Alex placed a digit in the ones column. He multiplied it by 10. Which column is the digit in now? What is the value of the digit now? Alex placed a digit in the tens column. He multiplied it by 10. Which column is the digit in now? What is the value of the digit now? Alex multiplied 5 by 10. Which column is the digit in now? What is the value of the digit now? Place Value 18
that you could use to find it out. information you need to find it out. that you could use to find it out. to find it out that you have found out. Problem Solving Multiplicative Place Value Alex placed a digit in the tens column. He divided it by 10. Which column is the digit in now? What is the value of the digit now? Alex placed a digit in the hundreds column. He divided it by 10. Which column is the digit in now? What is the value of the digit now? Alex divided 50 by 10. Which column is the digit in now? What is the value of the digit now? Place Value 18