Chapter 5.2 GIS Layers John Cima.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 5.2 GIS Layers John Cima

GIS Themes WISE layers have been grouped into themes. Themes identified in the chapter are as follows WISE Water Reference datasets WISE Reference Background datasets Water Framework Directive State of the Environment Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Bathing Waters Directive Nitrates Directive Drinking Water Directive Floods Directive Marine Strategy Directive IPPC Directive

Detail in Appendix 5 The detail about the layers is in Appendix 5 A general description of the GIS layers that comprise the theme and their uses A summary table for each layer name, brief description, scale, positional accuracy, remarks the relationships that exist for each layer both within a theme and across themes. Technical data specification of the GIS layers in the theme Based on INSPIRE Data Specification methodology document Not available for all themes

Summary Table Summary table provided for each layer within a theme Summary tables provided for WISE Reference datasets Background datasets Water Framework Directive EIONET / SoE UWWTD Bathing Waters Layout based on Original WFD structure Now includes relationship detail accuracy and scale detail Key attributes

Technical data specification Based on INSPIRE document WISE is the first to use the specification Found to be a bit repetitive Ensures good discipline and consistency Completed for WFD, SoE, Bathing Waters and UWWTD Other layers detail not finalised Recommend that all future WISE layers use the approach

Basic concepts WISE GIS layers All WISE GIS layers are European water-related environmental GIS layers Vector line, polygon or point datasets Available through the WISE viewer. Some WISE layers are to be made available for download It is recognised that For data collection an input scale of 1:250,000 or better should be a common goal Using WISE Water Reference and Background / External datasets layers will be harmonised to enable European level analysis and dissemination It is the responsibility of Member States to collect and compile detailed GIS layers within WISE EU or third parties to compile and maintain Reference, Background and External GIS layers

Visualisation WISE GIS layers At a scale of 1;1,000,000 Thematic spatial polygons E.g. RBD status (e.g. % of water bodies at risk) Possibly displayed against the large river and lake layer to give context At a scale of 1:250,000 E.g. RBD/Sub Unit status (e.g. % of water bodies at risk ) possibly with the main rivers and lake layer as context Highlighted WISE water reference objects E.g. Status (at /not at risk) using highlighted segments of Main Rivers. Only those water bodies at risk that are visible at 1;250,000 are shown At scale of < 1:250,000 Highlighted hydrology object E.g. status e.g. (e.g. at risk/not at risk) using highlighted water bodies visualisation at the scale of < 1:250,000 to be provided by the Member States through Web Mapping Services

Harmonisation WISE GIS layers Object Harmonisation Database links between objects UWWTD Treatment Plant links to UWWTD Discharge Point UWWTD Discharge Point links to WFD Surface Water Body WFD Surface Water Body links to WISE Water Reference Object Database links allow harmonisation within and across themes Naming Harmonisation Same objects have common name Use WISE Water Reference names Use Naming as defined in Chapter 5.4

Harmonisation WISE GIS layers Graphical Harmonisation Enables graphical continuity across themes Use common scales Use common background layers (e.g. Country Boundaries) Define theme rules e.g. Lines. Must not have dangles Must not overlap Must not intersect Must connect to a specified line Must touch a specified boundary or line Must be covered by a specified boundary Must not overlap a specified boundary

Chapter 5.3 Data Models

Applies to the same themes Database model and data dictionary definitions WISE Water Reference datasets WISE Reference Background datasets Water Framework Directive State of the Environment Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Bathing Waters Directive Nitrates Directive Drinking Water Directive Floods Directive Marine Strategy Directive IPPC Directive Those currently available are shown in bold

Detail in Appendix 6 The detail about each theme is in Appendix 6 A General Description of the theme’s Data Model and Data Dictionary A Data Model for the theme UML approach recommended, Equivalent approaches acceptable e.g. Entity Models, A Data Dictionary for the theme Use of automatically generated documentation recommended e.g. XML Equivalent approaches acceptable e.g. Entity Descriptions Relationship to WISE Conceptual Data Model for the theme Defines the relationships within themes and across themes

Use of hyperlinks Data Models and Data Dictionary are large documents All Data Models and Data Dictionary are accessed via hyperlinks Links to HTML Data Dictionaries are provided where available Easier to use and navigate Links to other relevant documents also provided e.g. WFD Reporting schemas and SHAPE file templates Documents to be held and managed within EEA Reportnet Server

Chapter Content Describes the purpose of a Data Model and Data Dictionary Provides a reference to Appendix 6 Explains the ideas behind the WISE Conceptual Data Model Outlines the UML (Unified Modified Language) approach

WISE Conceptual Data Model Purpose of WISE conceptual model To identify the commonality and to determine the building blocks that will enable integration and harmonisation across the systems NOT to create a single data model holding all the data

Building blocks of the model

Geographic or location objects

Object types and hierarchy

Object data

Building blocks - example

Data transformation

Documented within Appendix 6 To identify The spatial objects within each theme The conceptual building blocks associated with each spatial object Links between spatial objects within the theme Links between spatial objects across themes Main uses To document the key linkages of each spatial objects within the theme To understand how to then integrate and use layers across themes

Chapter 5.5 Metadata

Chapter Content Describes the purpose of metadata Describes the concepts of ISO19115 Explains the scope of the WISE Metadata standard Recommends that the WISE Metadata standard is used for all WISE layers Provides link to Appendix 12 – the WISE Metadata standard

WISE Metadata Standard The profile is mainly based on the guidelines for metadata included within the original document “Guidance Document on Implementing the GIS Elements of the Water Framework Directive Adapted to be in line with the draft implementing rules for metadata (Version 3) of the INSPIRE initiative. The WISE metadata profile defines the minimum requirements for the metadata elements that have to be provided to enable the functional concepts of discovery and data usage. Developed by Eurostat in conjunction with the WISE GIS Working Group

Obligatory elements Name Definition abstract Brief narrative summary of the content of the resource(s) contact Party responsible for the metadata information date Reference date for the cited resource dataQualityInfo Provides overall assessment of quality of a resource(s) dateStamp Date that the metadata was created distributionFormat Provides a description of the format of the data to be distributed language Language(s) used within the dataset metadataStandardName Name of the metadata standard (including profile name) used metadataStandardVersion Version (profile) of the metadatastandard used online Information about online sources from which the resource can be obtained title Name by which the cited resource is known fileIdentifier Unique identifier for this metadata file

Conditional elements Name Definition characterSet Full name of the character coding standard used for the dataset extent Provides geographic component of the extent of the referring object hierarchyLevel Scope to which the metadata applies language Language used for documenting metadata referenceSystemInfo Description of the spatial and temporal reference systems used in the dataset serviceType A service type name from a registry of services spatialRepresentationType Method used to spatially represent geographic information spatialResolution Factor which provides a general understanding of the density of spatial data in the dataset topicCategory Main theme(s) of the dataset

Optional elements Name Definition aggregationInfo Provides aggregate dataset information credit Recognition of those who contributed to the resource(s) descriptiveKeywords Provides category keywords, their type, and reference source metadataConstraints Provides restrictions on the access and use of metadata presentationForm Mode in which the resource is represented pointOfContact Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organization(s) associated with the resource(s) purpose Summary of the intentions with which the resource(s) was developed resourceConstraints Provides information about constraints which apply to the resource(s) specificUsage Brief description of the resource and/or resource series usage temporalElement Provides temporal component of the extent of the referring object verticalElement Provides vertical component of the extent of the referring object

Appendix 12 content Describes the scope of the WISE metadata standard Provides a more detailed table of the WISE metadata elements Explains the technical differences from the original WFD metadata standard Describes the elements and data types in detail based on a common data dictionary approach