ASL 1 – Unit 1: introducing oneself test Format & review (100 Assessment points/Expressive Portion 20 Assessment Points)
TEST FORMAT & POINT VALUES PART ONE (Multiple Choice – 50 points) PART TWO (Multiple Choice – 50 points) 10 fingerspelled words (10 points) 20 handshapes (20 points) 30 vocab words/phrases (30 points) Multiple Choice questions from bell work, book work & classroom discussion (30 Points) 10 conversation (videos) questions (10 points) Expressive Portion (20 points)
What was the result of the Milan, Italy conference? Sign language was banned.
Who signed the charter to open Gallaudet university? Abraham Lincoln
Who was 1 of 3 black deaf students enrolled at Gallaudet that later founded 31 schools? Andrew foster
People with hearing loss What terms are not preferred by deaf because they focus on the lack of or what is lost? Hearing impaired People with hearing loss
What is the link to deaf culture for the American deaf community? asl
What are the 5 Components of an ASL sign? Handshape Location Movement Non-Manual Markers (N.M.M) Palm Orientation (P.O.)
What is “unique attributes of a certain group of people?” Culture
What components are different for pink and purple? location movement Palm orientation
Who was known for his excellence in teaching that stated: “Freedom of communication was the key to education, and that freedom was achieved through sign language.” Andrew foster
Why is Martha’s vineyard important to deaf culture? Communities of people who are deaf were founded
What is the device that is historical for allowing deaf people to communicate over the telephone with hearing people? Tty – teletype writer
What are some culturally appropriate ways of getting a Deaf person’s attention? Waving Knocking Flashing lights Tapping
What are the two types of name signs? Descriptive Arbitrary
What percentage of deaf children are raised in hearing families that do not sign? 70%
What is considered to be rude in deaf culture? Eavesdropping without telling the signer you know asl Speaking without signing (if you know sign)
What is the difference between big d and little d? Big d= deaf person who follows deaf culture (culturally involved) AND proud to be deaf Little d= refers to the physical nature of deafness (medically)
What components are different for 1 and d? Palm orientation Handshape
What happened in the mid 1960s to asl? It was recognized as its own distinct language
What components are different for mother and father? location
What is the Difference between Gallaudet & American school for the deaf? Gallaudet: located in Washington D.C., only bilingual (ASL + English) liberal arts college in the united states american school for the deaf: located in Hartford, Connecticut; the first school for the deaf established in the united states