How often do you watch TV?
FREQUENCY OF ADVERBS (SIKLIK ZARFLARI) always >>>>>>>her zaman >>>>>>>>>>>> % 100 usually >>>>>>genellikle >>>>>>>>>>>> % 80 often >>>>>>>>sık sık >>>>>>>>>>>>>> % 60 sometimes >>bazen >>>>>>>>>>>>>> % 40 rarely >>>>>>>> nadiren>>>>>>>>>>>>>> % 20 never >>>>>>>> asla >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> % 0
They sometimes watch TV. He rarely watches TV. She never watches TV. How often do you watch TV? I always watch TV. You usually watch TV. We often watch TV. They sometimes watch TV. He rarely watches TV. She never watches TV.
She always gets up early. How often does she get up early? always %100 She always gets up early.
How often does she do homework? She always does homework in the evenings.
usually %80 How often does he brush his teeth? He usually brushes his teeth.
How often do they brush their teeth? They usually brush their teeth.
often % 60 How often does he read newspaper? He often reads newspaper in the mornings.
sometimes % 50 How often do you go to cinema? I sometimes go to cinema.
How often does she help her mother? She sometimes helps her mother.
How often do they watch TV? rarely %20 They rarely watch TV.
How often does she go to zoo? She rarely goes to zoo?
Never %0 How often good students smoke cigarette? Good students never smoke cigarette.