draft-ietf-bess-evpn-vpls-seamless- integ-01.txt A. Sajassi (Cisco), S. Salam (Cisco), N. DelRegno (Verizon), J. Rabadan (ALU) IETF 101, March 2018 London
History & Status draft-sajassi-l2vpn-evpn-vpls-integration-00 was presented at IETF 88 (Nov/2013) in Vancouver It was adopted as WG draft in March 2015 Rev01 is just a refreshed with minor edits
Status It described how evpn & pbb-evpn can interop with vpls/pbb-vpls seamlessly – i.e., how they can be introduced into brownfield deployments It has been implemented by major vendors & has been in deployments Requested for WG LC last month