The Defence Purpose Launch presentation Spring 2019 T i t l e g o e s h e r e The Defence Purpose Launch presentation Spring 2019
Background The new Defence Purpose is a single, easily understood, unifying, inspiring narrative for the Whole Force It helps us understand Defence’s objectives and how our work contributes It has been developed by Defence’s senior leaders The Defence Purpose is being launched to describe in a simple way what Defence does for the country and the direction for the whole organisation. Everyone should understand their role and play their part in delivering it.
The Defence Purpose Our purpose Protect the people of the UK, prevent conflict, be ready to fight our enemies We are prepared for the present, fit for the future Our aims Mobilise, Modernise and Transform How we work Challenge, Collaborative, Curious, Committed The Defence Purpose is made up of three sections: Our Purpose, Our Aims and How we Work. Our Purpose This high-level statement explains why Defence exists; To protect the people of the United Kingdom, prevent conflict, and be ready to fight our enemies if necessary. It summarises this as We are prepared for the present, fit for the future. Our Aims This section explains our aims following the Modernising Defence Programme (MDP); mobilise, modernise and transform. How we work Finally, the Defence Purpose sets out the way we all need to behave in order to achieve our aims. We will all demonstrate the ‘4Cs’ in our work by being curious, collaborative, committed and offering challenge.
What will it give us? Unite people behind a common purpose and direction Create a context for change, including culture change Better align Defence’s organisations and its leaders Inspire and create pride A narrative, like the Defence Purpose, is a critical factor in employee engagement. It can: Unite people behind a common purpose and direction Stories have been used throughout time to unite societies and give them common purpose and direction. A narrative - like the Defence Purpose - can do the same for organisations. Create a context for change People are more likely to engage in change if they believe in why it needs to happen and the benefits it will create. The Defence Purpose sets the change - including cultural change - within a clear and inspiring journey. If we want to change people’s beliefs about “the way we do things around here” then a purpose is a good starting place. Align leaders so they demonstrate strength and unity If our people believe the leadership is behind it they will better engage with the big journey ahead of us. The Defence Purpose helps to better unify our leaders so they can ensure we are all working towards the same goals. Inspire people, creating pride and camaraderie A purpose and the way it can be brought to life through real life stories can enhance feelings of pride and inspire people to go that extra mile.
Why do we need one? People Survey: 37% - believe that MOD’s senior leadership have a clear vision for the future of the MOD 74% - have a clear understanding of the MOD’s objectives 79% - understand how my work contributes to the MOD’s objectives Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey: 49% - my immediate superior helps me to understand how I contribute to Service objectives Our people (both military and civilian) have said we need a clearer re-statement of the Defence Purpose. The People Survey – which is completed by civilians and some military colleagues – shows a quarter don’t feel that they have a clear understanding of Defence’s objectives, a fifth don’t understand how their work contributes to Defence’s objectives and only 37% believe that MOD’s senior leadership have a clear vision for the future of the MOD. In the Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey the Services said that less than half of them feel their immediate superior helps them to understand how they contribute to their organisation’s objectives.
What do you do? 'Mr. President, I'm helping put a man on the moon.' One of the often-repeated stories about the benefits of a unifying purpose is President John F. Kennedy first visit to NASA headquarters in 1961. He saw a janitor carrying a broom and walked over and asked what he was doing. The janitor responded: 'Mr. President, I'm helping put a man on the moon.'
Team discussion How does Our Purpose make you feel? Does it motivate you? Does it inspire you? Have you heard of Our Aims: Mobilise, Modernise and Transform (if not, you can find out more on the Defence Intranet)? What role does our team play in achieving these aims? What changes can our team make to improve How we work and make the behaviours a reality?
Share you stories Share your stories of how you’re living the Defence Purpose, embracing the behaviours and making a difference! Promote your team, share your story and inspire others!