GLAS Training for Advisors Dr. Pamela Boyle September 2017
Course Outline GLAS Training Requirements Advisors Role Essential Course Content Controls Sanctions
GLAS Training requirements Training course of 6 hour duration over 2 sessions 10am start time recommended Must be 2 sessions of 3 hour duration At least 1 session on host farm (GLAS participant) – must incl. actions being delivered by attendees Outside experts/specialists can be incorporated into the course delivery – GLAS trainer must be present throughout
Training Content 1. Intro. to GLAS, regulatory basis, obj. & funding 2. Individual commitments incl. nutrient management, record keeping, timelines 3. Controls, inspections & sanctions 4. Agricultural pollution & avoidance 5. Natura 2000, bird habitat, wildlife habitiat, etc 6. Invasive spp. & CRRU 7. Farm Safety
1. Introduction to GLAS “Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme” approved by the European Commission within Irelands RDP 2014 – 2020 €1.4 billion - Jointly funded by EU (55%) & National Exchequer (45%) Objectives Farm level actions to promote biodiversity, protect water quality, combat climate change Contribute to positive management of NATURA 2000 sites, river catchments, etc. Promote & sustain attitudinal changes amongst farmers Achieve a balanced & effective environmental programme within the RDP
2. Individual Commitments Core Requirements: Engage services of an approved advisor to prepare & submit application Farm Nutrient Management Plan Training in environmental practices & standards (by end of 2nd year) i.e. GLAS Training Maintain records of delivery of commitments
2. Individual Commitments Trainer must explain Actions relevant to the Training Participants. Include the following information: Specification of Actions relevant to Participants Specification recommendations Specified timeframes for completion of actions
3. Controls, inspections & Sanctions Administrative & On-the-Spot (OTS) checks OTS checks to ensure compliance with Scheme 5% OTS selected using Risk Analysis Penalties will apply for certain specific breaches of the Scheme e.g. Not fencing watercourses appropriately under PoWFB action/inadequate record keeping Baseline & cross compliance breaches will be cross reported and penalties may be applied to other EU farm payments e.g. BPS/ANC
4. Agricultural pollution and avoidance Climate Change awareness Influence of agriculture Water Framework Directive (WFD) >50% Irish River Pollution associated with diffuse/agriculture sources Catchment Characterisation Teagasc Agricultural Catchments Programme Sustained, intensive monitoring of agri-economic growth & agri-env. Sustainability
4. Agricultural pollution and avoidance Source - EPA
5. Importance of Natura 2000 sites, etc. Special Areas of Conservation/Special Protection Areas Role of Agriculture in: Maintaining & Enhancing Habitats Protecting & promoting species populations (plants & animals) Protecting natural pollinator communities BEC Burren BEO BirdWatch Ire WildIreland
6. Invasive Species & CRRU Invasive non-native plant & animal spp are the 2nd greatest threat to biodiversity worldwide DAFM Awareness Campaign focused on: Japanese Knotweed Rhododendron Giant Hogweed Giant Rhubarb Himalayan Balsam Montbretia Old Man’s Beard
Rhododendron pontcium Himalayan Balsam Japanese Knotweed Giant Rhubarb
6. Invasive Species & CRRU Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) Developed to reduce secondary exposure & accidental poisoning of non-target species e.g. Barn Owl Increase awareness & promote responsible use 7 step code – Download on:
7. Farm Safety 2016 work related deaths - 21/46 farm related Legal requirement under Safety, Health & Welfare Act, 2005 to prepare & work to a safety statement <3 employees – Risk Assessment Document HSA Agriculture Code of Practice Code of Practice for Preventing Injury & Occupational Ill Health in Agriculture Risk Assessment Document Safe System of Work Plan Online Risk Assessment
GLAS Training - Controls Training events will be subject to Dept. Inspection – non-compliances may result in penalties to the Trainer &/or Participant Training courses subject to 5% inspections Selected using Risk Analysis Unannounced
Controls - Inspection DAFM Inspector will be present for both AM & PM session Inspector will have their own attendance sheets to validate Trainers data Control Report will be completed by Inspector
Controls - Sanctions (Trainer) Yellow Card/Red Card system If upon inspection the training is considered not to fulfil the GLAS Training criteria - Yellow Card will be issued Yellow Card – The Trainer will have to re-examine his/her training plan and amend as appropriate to fulfil GLAS training requirements. The Trainer will be inspected a 2nd time If upon 2nd inspection training is still considered inadequate - Red Card will be issued Red Card – No payments will be made to the Trainer OR Participants for this event. The Trainer will have to be retrained before running further training events and all Participants must attend another session
Controls - Sanctions (Participant) If a Participant does not fulfil training obligations e.g. attending both am/pm session, a Yellow Card will be issued Yellow Card – Participant must attend and fully complete another training day before they are eligible to receive payment
Thank You Relevant Circulars available at hemesandpayments/glastranche1/circulars/2017/Cir1Appr ovalAdvisorsGLASApprovedTrainers190617.pdf hemesandpayments/glastranche1/circulars/2017/AnnexCir 1GLASTrainingSchemeTCs190617.pdf