A Season for Everything Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Having searched for meaning: Solomon has begun making observations about life These verses perhaps some of the most well known in this book – songs about it, used at funerals, etc. We observe it as Solomon’s observations We will make spiritual application
About the text Doctrinally, it is sometimes misused (Calvinism, and specific statements) Solomon’s point – there is a time for everything. Sometimes we need to use wisdom to determine WHAT to do right now.
To everything there is a season (3:1) About the text To everything there is a season (3:1) A season – a designated time (that is limited) There are times when one choice is wise, and other times when the opposite is the right thing to do We need to THINK! This gives life some variety
A time for every purpose (3:1) About the text A time for every purpose (3:1) God has set laws in order that will last. Natural laws & spiritual laws These are constant and irrevocable Spiritually – we have a purpose and “spiritual laws” to abide by
A time to be born (3:2) Bringing life into this world. “A time to give birth” (NASB) This event we do not have total control over. It happens when it is time Spiritually – Galatians 4:4, Jesus came at the right time John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23 – a time to be “born again”
We can possibly delay it with good decisions, but it will come A time to die (3:2) Death is inevitable, and an event beyond our control. We can possibly delay it with good decisions, but it will come This is NOT justification for hastening death by suicide, euthanasia or abortion, etc. Genesis 3:19, Hebrews 9:27 Spiritually – when we sin, we die – Romans 6:23, 5:12 We let the old man of sin die – Romans 6:3-6, Colossians 3:9
A time to plant and a time to pluck what is planted (3:2) Harvest times. Genesis 8:21-22 – after the flood promises were made. We can count on seasons and knowing when to plant, harvest and conclude the harvest. Consider the Farmer’s almanac
A time to plant and a time to pluck what is planted (3:2) God planted and uprooted nations (Jeremiah 18:7-8, Deut. 7, etc.) Spiritually: Planting is associated with new beginnings We need to plant the seed of God’s word – John 4:35, 1 Corinthians 3:6, Luke 8:11ff And there are times to walk away from what we have planted, or pluck up. God will Matthew 13:24-30
A time to kill and a time to heal (3:3) There are times when we kill – for food, possibly as capital punishment (the government, not us – Romans 13:3-4), or in self-defense cf. Exodus 22:2 While these are controversial subjects, there are times when they serve a purpose NOT justification for selfishness (such as abortion, murder, etc.)
A time to kill and a time to heal (3:3) A time to heal – our primary focus ought to be to preserve life – treat illness and disease, etc. That’s true humanity Spiritually: We put to death the man of sin. We should “kill” bad attitudes and desires But let it be for the purpose of healing – Revelation 3:18, James 5:16, 1 Peter 2:24
A time to break down and a time to build up (3:3) Things decay and wear out. This is actually natural law. They need replacing or repairing. Sometimes totally demolished to start over Spiritually: We need to be built up. At times this involves tearing down the old first (cf. 2 Timothy 4:2) 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 – make sure it is a proper foundation (Acts 20:32)
A time to weep and a time to laugh (3:4) There are occasions where crying is suitable, and other times when we need to laugh. Proverbs 17:22 Spiritually: We weep for evil, and the struggles of our brethren, (Romans 12:15, Philippians 3:18, James 4:9) And we rejoice when good prevails – Romans 12:15, Philippians 4:4, 1 Corinthians 13:6, cf. Acts 5:41
A time to mourn and a time to dance (3:4) Occasions where these are warranted – e.g. funerals Ecclesiastes 7:2-4, parties, weddings, festive occasions. This is NOT justification for lustful occasions that often involve dancing Spiritually: There are occasions to mourn – when we say goodbye to loved ones, withdraw from the ungodly, sinful conduct, etc. – 1 Corinthians 5:2, Matthew 5:4 Rejoicing – when one is restored or obeys they gospel – Luke 15:7, 10, 32, etc.
A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones (3:5) A time to accumulate things, and a time to throw them away Spiritually: Are we willing to change when we need to? Are we willing to adapt to new ways that are more effective? (ALWAYS within God’s authority)
A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing (3:5) There are times when affection is appropriate and other times when it is not. E.g. the marital relationship, dating (1 Corinthians 6:18, 2 Timothy 2:22), even among friends) Spiritually: Fellowship. A time for it – Acts 2:42, Philippians 2:1, 1 John 1:3-6; A time to avoid it – Ephesians 5:11, 1 Corinthians 10:20, 2 Corinthians 6:14
A time to gain and a time to lose (3:6) NASB, “A time to search, and a time to give up as lost” Times where we keep looking, and other times where we move on. Spiritually: The lost coin and sheep – Luke 15:1-10 Move on – Matthew 7:6
A time to keep and a time to throw away (3:6) Repetitious to ideas already discussed Spiritually: There are things we ought to keep – Matthew 19:17, Ephesians 4:3, 1 Timothy 5:22, 1 John 5:18 And things to give up – Matthew 6:19-21, Philippians 3:7-8
A time to tear and a time to sew (3:7) Similar to gathering and casting away. Spiritually: Consider mourning – tearing the clothes. But at the end of that time of mourning, mend it and move forward
A time to keep silence and a time to speak (3:7) We must guard our tongues – what we say and WHEN to say it. Sometimes silence is best! Proverbs 10:19, Cf. Job 2:13 Spiritually: We control our tongues. James 1:19. Speak where the Bible speaks…
A time to love and a time to hate (3:8) There are things we ought to love, and others we ought to despise. How often does the world mix these up? Spiritually: We should love – Matthew 22:37-39, 1 John 4:7, Matthew 5:44-45 We should hate – Romans 12:9, 1 John 2:15-17, etc.
A time for war and a time for peace (3:8) This is inevitable in life. There will be conflicts that need to be resolved. Not always pleasant or easy. BUT, our pursuit should be peace Spiritually: We are at war – Ephesians 6:10-13, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 1 Timothy 1:18 But we pursue peace – Matthew 5:9, 1 Thessalonians 5:13, Colossians 3:15, etc.
Is our timing in tune with God’s timing?