Supporting your child's learning in Science
Student School Parents
How is the course assessed? 6 exams, each 1hr 15 min 2 exams in each Science Combined 2 grades Exams are made up of questions on content, application and practical skills
Educake online homework
Educake online homework
The data comes from a Nottingham Academy with a similar profile to Haydock High School. Non-users of Educake (attempted less than 100 questions) • Occasional users of Educake (attempted between 100 and 500 questions) • Regular users of Educake (attempted more than 500 questions)
FACT Out of the students who attempted more than 500 Educake questions, 80% achieved a C (4) or higher, compared to only 20% for non-users of Educake, who attempted less than 100 questions.
BBC Bitesize
Use of the specification
Weekly Science study support sessions every Tuesday in S3 Initially focusing on paper 1
Revision guide £9.00 from School, £16.99 elsewhere. Contains Biology, chemistry and Physics revision notes Mind maps Audio clips Exam practice section for each topic
Flashcards £3 per set
Procedure for buying revision guides 1. Log in to parent pay 2.Purchase the GCSE Science Revision guide. 3. Set 1 Higher, Set 2, 3 and 4 Foundation, any queries check with their teacher. 4.The office will issue a list of payments 5.Collect from the Science prep room 6.Students will sign to confirm they have received their guide
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