Using MIT Scratch for Programming and Control Exercise 5 – Drawing with Scratch Year 9 ICT Autumn Term 2007
What you will learn: Delete a sprite and import a new sprite Draw using the Pen feature of scratch Make a simple script to draw circles Use the “pen up” and “pen down” feature Change the colour of the pen Set the start position of the sprite Make a sprite appear and disappear using show and hide
Delete the cat sprite Click the scissors button and delete the cat sprite
Browse for a new sprite Click the centre button below the stage and browse for the drawing pencil sprite
Drawing pencil sprite The drawing pencil comes with a script Investigate the drawing pencil script
Clear command Delete the script Click the pen menu to investigate the options Drag the clear command into the programming area
Drawing a circle Copy the script below to draw a small circle (Hint 24 times 15 is 360) this repeat script will become a building block for more complex scripts
Drawing a circle Move the drawing pen to a new position and draw a few more circles
Changing position automatically Edit the script as shown Double click the clear symbol and run the script
Changing colours Edit the script as shown Double click the clear symbol and run the script
Setting the start position Add commands to set the start position of the sprite as x = -150 and y = -150
Making the pen appear and disappear Add in show and hide at the beginning and end of the script
Over to you….. Now that you have learned the basic of pen programming you can experiment with your own ideas and designs