“Strategic Business Planning”
Strategic Business Planning Model Rationale This planning model reflects the synthesis of two well-known processes: Strategic Planning and Business Planning. In the past, each process was viewed separately. Ideally, the strategic planning process would complement the business planning process. In reality, each process typically operates independently of one another. The strategic planning process generally brings together a diverse group of participants who are charged with developing a comprehensive strategic plan. The outputs of the strategic plan are strategies and action plans. The business planning process often involves the development of a business plan. The business plan is typically comprised of a marketing plan and a financial plan. There is no requirement that the business plan link to the strategies and action plans identified in the strategic plan. Furthermore, the participants in the development of the strategic plan tend to be creative thinkers, whereas the authors of the business plan are usually marketing and finance practitioners. Strategic Business Planning creates a Strategic Pathway as an output in the strategic planning process to serve as an input to the business planning process.
Strategic Business Planning Model 3 Vision 4 Mission 5 Big Goal 6 Strategic Pathway 7 Strategies 8 Action Plans 2 Forces of Change 9 Capacity Tests 1 Current State
Strategic Business Planning Model Strategic Planning 1 Current State 2 Forces of Change 3 Vision 4 Mission 7 Strategies 5 Big Goal 8 Action Plans 6 Strategic Pathway 9 Capacity Tests
Strategic Business Planning Model 3 Vision 4 Mission 5 Big Goal 6 Strategies 2 Forces of Change 6 Strategic Pathway Business Planning 7 Strategies 1 Current State 8 Action Plans 9 Capacity Tests