San Pedro High School Back To School Night Welcome Ms San Pedro High School Back To School Night Welcome Ms. Goodman Room B8 2019-2020
Anna Goodman Intervention: Third year teaching Education: Chaparral High School, Scottsdale Arizona Suffolk University- BS in Psychology and Sociology Loyola Marymount University- Special Education Credential Intervention: Tutoring at lunch, nutrition and after school Monday, Wednesday and Friday Beyond -the-Bell tutoring Internet Resources: e.g. Schoology, Hotmath, Khan Academy
What’s My Grade? Schoology Entire school using: see all classes, all grades, plus more! Student, parent/guardian has own login You can see all assignments: grades, comments, missing assignments Posting homeworks & handouts weekly Create activate your account: Log into 3 pieces of ID needed: District ID, LAUSD myemail account, & 4 digit pin
Curriculum Maps - Algebra 1
Syllabus – Algebra 1 Test & Quizzes Assignments Concept quizzes: Specific content standard skills Introduction skill Worth 4 points; Can be retaken if problems are corrected and presented to me A lunch or by appointment Chapter Tests: A practice test is given before the test About 10 problems worth 5 pts each, partial credit given Cannot be retaken to improve grade District Periodic Assessments There will be a practice test to see what students already know 20 problems and a constructed response – 3 points each Assignments Homework: Homework Effort Grade Homework Feedback Homework Quizzes – please save your home works! Participation In group work & discussion In in-class tutorials Presentations of concept tasks as finish product or work in progress
Grading Criteria Grading Scale: A: 90 – 100% B: 80 – 89% C: 70 – 79% D: 60 – 69% F: below 59% Grade Breakdown for Algebra 1: 25% Participation 50% Assignments 25% Tests and Quizzes Grade Breakdown for Algebra Tutorial 75% Participation 25% Assignments
Classroom Expectations 1. Five Pillars of Behavior Tenets Courtesy, Self-Control, Respect, Perseverance, Integrity 2. “One Mic” or “Talking Ball” – During instruction or whole class instruction one person speaks at a time. 3. Adhere to “Norms Contract” and classroom job responsibilities. 4. Phones are put away unless otherwise specified Be Positive- Students use positive language ONLY when speaking about themselves and their peers.
SPHS Attendance Policy School Policy: no more than 7 absences per school year.
Classroom Instruction Instruction will vary from student to student. Students will typically be broken into small groups based on ability and knowledge of material. Students may be working independently, in small groups or partners, or one on one with the teacher or classroom aide.
Questions? Ways to contact me: My email: Parent/Guardian can send note with student Promise to contact you within 24-hour business day upon receipt of email or note.