New Internet Advancement New BSA Internet Advancement 2.0 New BSA Internet Advancement 2.0 platform is now live Not! Not for regular Scoutbook users! Keep using Scoutbook. It will break your Scoutbook synchronization Chrome is recommended Key-3 and delegates login with your usual my.scouting credentials
Record Advancement
Record Awards
Record Merit Badges
Run Reports
Advancement Report
Advancement History
Unit Roster
Importing Select Import File from the Roster page Select Import File from the Roster page You will be prompted to upload your file .txt and not .csv Refer failures to your 3rd party vendor
Importing (Con’t) Once your file is processed the advancements in your file are recorded automatically Select Run Report > Advancement Report and review to make sure the advancements are correct.
Importing (Con’t) Click Edit Report to make any changes
Eagle Scout Application Go to roster – click the checkbox for a Life Scout and select “Record Advancement”
Eagle Scout Application (Con’t) Select Rank and then Eagle Scout Click the box below the line: “Open Eagle application for:” Internet Advancement will fill in as many fields in the application as it can based on the recorded data