How Do You Know an Ecosystem is Healthy?
There are many factors used to assess health Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Nutrients (Phosphorus, Nitrogen) Bioassays
Salinity Measure of salt dissolved in a sample of water Measured in parts per thousand (ppt) Can be measured by determining how much water conducts electricity Influenced by tides and rainstorms Higher salt concentrations can decrease dissolved oxygen Organisms may not be tolerant to high salt concentrations
Events Affecting Salinity
What site do you think has highest salinity? Ocean = 35 ppt (seawater) Downtown = 10-18 ppt (brackish) Near Buckman Bridge = 0-5 ppt (freshwater)
What site do you think has highest salinity? Ocean = 35 ppt (seawater) Downtown = 10-18 ppt (brackish) Near Buckman Bridge = 0-5 ppt (freshwater)
What site do you think has highest salinity? Sample 1 = 35 ppt (seawater) Sample 2 = 10-18 ppt (brackish) Sample 3 = 0-5 ppt (freshwater)
References Pinto, G., Bielmyer-Fraser, G.K., Goldberg, N., Ouellette, A., Le, A., Pyati, R., Zoellner, B., Closmann, C. (2018/19). 2019 State of the River Report for the Lower St. Johns River Basin, Florida: Water Quality, Fisheries, Aquatic Life, & Contaminants (LSJR). Prepared for the City of Jacksonville, Environmental Protection Board.