September 15, 2017 Language Arts/Classroom Skills Math Science Identifying & writing our first name Pencil grasp & scissor skills Letter Aa (sound, letter recognition, handwriting, and sign language) Listening skills Color word - red Math Calendar math Numbers 0 and 1 Shape – Circle Tally marks Number bonds Ten frames Even and odd numbers Science What is a scientist? Tools for a scientist Guidance I-Care Rules & Peace Day Week two of kindergarten was filled with fun & learning! This week we began our study of the alphabet! We also introduced our first sight word, the color word red. In math we were really busy learning and reviewing the numbers 0 and 1 and also our first shape, the circle! We had our first science class where the children had a chance to explore the tools of a scientist. They tried using forceps, magnifying glasses and pipettes with Mrs. Z, our science teacher! Mrs. Noel, our guidance counselor, came to talk about next week’s Peace Day. We practiced “peace breathing” together and made a peace chain. Maybe your child can share what makes them feel peaceful. *Library Update* Mr. Stever alternates his library class lessons with book checkouts. Please see the reminders section to see when books are due back. Monday (DAY 3) Art Tuesday (DAY 4) Library - Book Checkout Wednesday (DAY 5) Gym – wear sneakers Thursday **No School ** Friday (DAY 6) Science Sept/Oct – Mini Me Presentations Check your form for your child’s day September 21 – No School September 25 – Picture Day 610-240-2031