Die skepping Hebr. 11:1-3
“That free act of God whereby He in the beginningbrought forth the whole visible and invisible universe without the use of pre-existing materials, and gave thus it an existance distinct from His own and yet always dependent on Him.” Berkof
Kol. 1:17 “Voor alles was Hy al daar, en deur Hom bly alles in stand.”
Joh. 1:1-3 “In die begin was die Woord daar, en die Woord was by God, en die Woord was self God. Hy was reeds in die begin by God. Alles het deur Hom tot stand gekom: ja, nie 'n enkele ding wat bestaan, het sonder Hom tot stand gekom nie.
“'n Ware geloof is nie alleen 'n vasstaande kennis waardeur ek alles wat God in sy Woord aan ons geopenbaar vir waar aanvaar nie maar ook 'n vaste vertroue daarin stel”
“Evolution itself is accepted by zoologists, not because it has been observed to occur, or can be proven by logical coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible” Prof. D.M.F Watson