High Blood Pressure, the Silent Killer: How Can We Do better in Wales? MediWales Connects Conference High Blood Pressure, the Silent Killer: How Can We Do better in Wales? 2nd July 2019
The Size of the Problem within Wales
In total across Wales…
Across Wales, the numbers of people with hypertension treated to target are falling… Source: BHF analysis of QOF data 2017/18 (150/90 target)
Treatment for high BP significantly reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure and all- cause mortality Every 10mmHg reduction in systolic BP reduces the risk of major Cardiovascular events by 20% Treatment is very effective at lowering BP and improving outcomes
High Blood Pressure, The Silent Killer Wales Atlas of Variation, how data can support improving cardiovascular care: Dr Jonathan Goodfellow, National Clinical Lead, Wales Cardiac Network Innovative approaches to community Blood Pressure programmes: The learning from BHF funded programmes: Rhiannon Edwards, BHF CVD Clinical Development Coordinator for Wales. May Measurement Month Campaign: Dr Barry McDonnell, Reader in Cardiovascular Physiology, Cardiff Metropolitan University 5 mins for questions.