Introduction to Philosophy We do philosophical thinking when we ask ourselves whether something that we believe is reasonable to believe.
Reasonable belief is simply a belief for which a good reason can be given. Reasonable beliefs are logically justifiable. A belief that is reasonable stands a better chance of being true.
There is at least one philosophical problem in which all thinking persons are concerned: The problem of understanding the world in which we live; and thus ourselves (who are part of that world) and our knowledge of it.
Philosophical thinking leads to the realization that our attempts to see and find the truth are not final, but open to improvement. Criticism and critical discussions are our only means of getting nearer to the truth.
Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy may be defined as a search for truth that involves following arguments and evidence, without recourse to authority, wherever they may lead, frequently arriving at unforeseen conclusions. Walter Kaufman
Introduction to Philosophy One of the functions of philosophy is to inoculate men against bigotry, inhumanity and propaganda by teaching them to think carefully, conscientiously and critically. (One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.)
A Case Study Ivermectin, The Story of a drug in treating,” River Blindness”
According to the dictionary, the term ethics has a variety of different meanings. One of its meanings is, "the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group”.
The term personal ethics, for example, when referring to the rules by which an individual lives his or her personal life. We use the term accounting ethics when referring to the code that guides the professional conduct of accountants.
A second—and more important—meaning of ethics, according to the dictionary, is: Ethics is "the study of morality." Ethicists use the term ethics to refer primarily to the study of morality, just as chemists use the term chemistry to refer to a study of the properties of chemical substances.
Moral Standards B.F. Goodrich Case
A Moral Standard Always tell the truth." As Vandivier shows, we do not always live up to our standards”. There are other types of standards as well, such as standards of etiquette, law, and language. Moral standards can be distinguished from non-moral standards using five characteristics.