MEDIA TRAINING IN-CLASS EXERCISE Prepping to pitch an idea to a media rep MEDIA TRAINING IN-CLASS EXERCISE REBECCA L. COONEY, MS Clinical Associate Professor
The exercise: Prepping to pitch an idea to a media rep Scenario: You are Maddy Noonan, Marketing Manager for Jet City Improv, who is about to pitch a story idea to Daria Kroupoderova, Social Media Producer & Digital Editor for Seattle Magazine about the upcoming “Twisted Flicks” series held at the venue
Get out a sheet of paper and put your names at the top. PARTNER UP! Get out a sheet of paper and put your names at the top. You will turn this document in to Megan so you can receive participation points for the Sep 11 class.
Step One: Prepare to pitch your idea - do your homework Prior to pitching the idea – know your subject inside and out. Have key talking points, facts, core messaging studied and ready to go at any given moment.
What you are pitching: Building awareness and getting the word out about the “Twisted Flicks” series that happens every month at Jet City Improv
Do the homework: Take notes: prepare your 5Ws Who Who is Jet City Improv? What What is the Twisted Flick series all about? Where Where does it take place? When When is the event? Dates and times? Why Why should people attend this event vs. others happening in Seattle at the same time? How How do they buy tickets? Additional Info Anything else to add? Other event details? Age limits? Food and drinks available?
Step Two: Research the publication Understand its history and purpose. As you prepare the story, frame it so it fits the interests the readership. Take notes: Who is Seattle Magazine? How long have they been around? Who is their audience? How frequently do they publish? Where do they publish? Are they in hard copy or digital or both?
Step Three: Research the journalist Take notes: How would you articulate her writing style? Conversational? Formal? Structured? What beats does she cover for Seattle Magazine? Where is she based? Is she local? What’s her background? Is there any indication she has interest or passion for theater and comedy? How will you approach her? What do you think is the best way to reach out to her and ask for an interview? Daria Kroupoderova, Social Media Producer & Digital Editor for Seattle Magazine: kroupoderova @dariakoup on Twitter:
Turn it in! Be sure to put your names on your doc and turn it into Megan before you leave so you get credit for attendance!