Welcome to our assembly all about Year 2! Introduce ourselves
Things to know… New spellings to go home and practise will go home on a Friday. Books need to come in every Friday. Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Thursday. P.E. days are Tuesdays and Thursdays Maths Passport target will be sent home in reading record books, roughly once a month so that it can be practised. Homework will be spellings, maths and reading. A maths worksheet will be sent home on a Friday
SATs During May children will be assessed against national standards to measure their progress throughout Key Stage One. This process will include carrying out some SATs papers. Tests will be presented in as low key way as possible to minimise any anxiety for children. Although it is a statutory requirement for children to undertake the tests, they merely inform our teacher assessments so if children don’t perform as they do in class we can take this into account.
PE Named PE Kit No Jewellery 2 Pairs of footwear if possible! Carrier bag for muddy footwear
Every day we will all be doing 15 minutes of extra exercise- walking or running around the playground, in all weathers!
Rewards and sanctions Team points This behaviour chart is similar to the ones used in our classes. The children can move up the scale or down. If they reach the top, they receive a certificate in class. If they reach the bottom, parents are contacted. The children who stay on ‘Ready to Learn’ or above all week are given a 5 minute bonus break.
Question Time