Dustin Case Presentation
The preceptor … Dustin
The student presents the key points of the assessment of the patient. S – Summarize Dustin
The preceptor asks for more information as required. Dustin
The preceptor continues to ask questions to encourage the student to make decisions. Dustin
The preceptor asks for the differential and helps to focus the student to narrow that down to a reasonable number. N – Narrow Dustin
The student analyzes the differential based on the data gathered, beginning to rule in and out reasonable possibilities. A – Analyze Dustin
Preceptor asks questions to glean further information about what the student is thinking, without judging. Dustin
The preceptor continues to encourage the student to think critically about decisions. Dustin
Student asks questions of the preceptor to help make some decisions before finalizing the plan. P – Probe Dustin
The student provides the initial management plan. Dustin
Preceptor requires specific details of the plan before meeting with the patient, and confirms the plan is reasonable. Dustin
S – Self-directed Learning Preceptor prompts the student to discern what gaps exist in student’s knowledge base and ensures there is a learning plan in place. S – Self-directed Learning Dustin
The student confirms the plan to study and discuss the next day. Dustin
This slide presentation was produced by Saskatchewan Polytechnic in association with health science professionals across the province. Funding was provided by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health via the Clinical Learning and Interprofessional Practice Unit (CLIPP), Saskatchewan Academic Health Sciences Network (SAHSN). Preceptor: J. Cruise Student: D. Herperger Dustin