Global status report on road safety 2018
Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018 Monitoring Tool Overview of Situation Consultative Process requested by UNGA and WHA resolutions to track progress towards global goals state of road safety: trends in deaths, institutional management, legislation, infrastructure, vehicle safety and post-crash care 175 participating Member States representing 98% of world’s population; data presented are from 2016 (death) and 2017 (legislation)
Number of deaths unacceptably high #1 1.35 8th cause of death for children and young adults aged 5-29 years million deaths each year leading cause of death for people of all ages
3x Inequalities persist rates of death three times higher in low-income countries than in high-income countries
Inequalities persist
There are signs of progress 1.35 million N° of people (millions)
There are signs of progress 1.35 million 18.2 18.2/100,000 N° of people (millions) Rate /100 000 people rate of death per 100 000 has stabilized but the number of people and motor vehicles has increased.
There are signs of progress 50% rate of death per 100 000 vehicles has decreased by more than 50% since 2000
Strong policies 132 123 22 Countries have national strategies for road safety that are funded Countries have laws that meet best practice for at least one of the five key behavioural risk factors Countries have made improvements to bring their laws into alignment with best practice on one or more risk factors since 2014
Progress is uneven and pace too slow to meet SDG 3.6
88% 40 <25% Challenges remain of pedestrian travel is on 1- or 2-star roads countries implement 7 or 8 of the priority UN vehicle safety standards of people who are seriously injured have access to a staffed operating room within 2 hours of a crash
Looking ahead: opportunities WHO GPW 13 Implementation 2030 Agenda Effective solutions exist; building capacity in countries to accelerate progress and scale-up benefits Increasing political will and leadership; Ministerial Conference in Sweden in 2020 Target for reduction of road traffic deaths by 20% by 2023; strengthening partnerships with global and country actors to achieve impact
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