Get your journal and your hooks page from the back of the room Get your journal and your hooks page from the back of the room. Put it in the Keepers Section of your binder. Journal Entry: Remember me? Please write a hook to tell my story. Should you use thoughts, dialogue, a flashback, details about your setting or character, fast action, a scary or intense moment, figurative language, or the perfect combination of several? Apply what you learned yesterday.
September 5th, 2019 Get a copy of the Point of View Sheet from the back of the room. Work together to read and determine the point of view of each passage. We will check the answers together. Complete the evidence page (front and back) for “Arachne” – Don’t forget all of the destructive characteristics we brainstormed which contributed to the development of the plot. Reckless Disobedient Selfish Obstinate Arrogant Disrespectful Boastful Today you must finish the the Point of View Sheet and the evidence page. Please bring them to class the next time we meet. If you finish, take a quizizz for POV and Hooks and Plot Structure using the codes you wrote in your agenda. Please do not start over once you have started a test. Use your first and last name to get credit. Remember – students who do well on quizizz usually get a high grade on the test. We have a test on September 18th.