Welcome! The SENDCo – Mrs Nethercott Identification of Special Needs SEN levels Whole school approaches to support SEND Outcomes for pupils with SEND Additional Information
Mrs Nethercott A bit about me!
Why I’m a SENDCo… High aspirations for all children. Partnerships with parents. An advocate for your child. A teacher. An investigator!
Identification of Special needs at Barley Hill School Following a period of observation, discussion with parents and children, tracking of attainment, advice and reports from professionals. The SENDCo and Teacher confirm that the child meets the agreed definition in the Code of Practice: ‘has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions’. (Code of Practice 2015, DfE) Child is placed on the SEND Register (continuously updated document) A Pupil Profile is composed – This document is specific to the individual child and captures their SEND history. It also includes - outcomes for the current academic year, interventions which will be put into place, pupil and parent voice. Pupil Profile is reviewed 3 times annually (by Teacher and TA) and then shared with pupils and parents. Next steps / new outcomes are agreed. There will be meetings with parents and children to discuss how they feel about their learning. School will track the attainment of your child and consider information such as specialist reports to confirm whether a child meets the agreed definition in The Code of Practice (2015). We will discuss next steps with you and put together a PUPIL PROFILE. This document is specific to each child and includes their SEND history and outline specific outcomes for the academic year, it will also include interventions and provision which will be put in place to help your child meet the outcomes identified. Pupil and parent voice is very important to us and your thoughts are included in this document e.g. what Your child will be placed on the SEND register (this is continuously updated) and you will be asked to sign a letter to confirm you have been part of the process and agree with the pupil profile.
SEN Levels SEN Support – A pupil who requires additional support beyond Quality First Teaching and meets the definition outlined in the Code of Practice. EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) – A pupil with significant needs may need extra funding so that their needs can be met in school. This funding can be for 1:1 support, access to professionals, further interventions. The SENDCo has to apply for an EHCP and it has to be agreed at OCC resourcing panel. An EHCP is reviewed annually to evaluate provision, ensure accurate placement of the child and to decide whether an EHCP is still required.
Whole school approaches to support SEND Building resilience (mistakes are ok) / Growth mindset. Welcoming staff and classrooms. Quiet/chill out areas for time to reflect/break. Well being - Physical exercise, mindfulness techniques, nurture. Ensure concrete materials available for learning e.g. Numicon, topic word mats, phoneme mats etc.
Outcomes for pupils with SEND Reach their full potential Make progress Feel valued and included Feel eager to learn Enjoy school!
Additional information We will always keep you informed of key dates e.g. meeting teachers to discuss Pupil Profiles. Please visit our website which includes our SEN policy and links to the OCC website and the local offer for children with special needs in Oxfordshire. SENDIASS – Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service – offers impartial support for parents/carers of children with SEND. https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/special- educational-needs-and-disability-local-offer Telephone Helpline – 01865 810516 We are here to help!
Thank you for joining us today, we look forward to working with you and your children.