Review of Graphs Data analysis
Purpose of Graphs Why do we use graphs? What is data? We use graphs to help analyze data that we gather. What is data? Data is information that we collect in our daily lives. Data is collected in two ways: Categorical Examples: Favorite Color, Type of Shirt Worn Today, etc. Numerical Examples: Scores on a Test, Daily Temperature, etc.
Types of Graphs There are five main types of graphs that we are going to be studying. Bar Graphs Frequency Tables Dot Plots Stem-and-Leaf Plots Scatterplots
Bar Graphs A bar graph uses horizontal or vertical bars to display numerical data. A bar graph contains: Title Bars Categorical Data Numerical Data Scale (this graph counts by ones) Bar graphs can contain more than one bar per category to represent different data.
Frequency Tables A frequency table uses numbers to record data about how often something happens. A frequency table contains: Title Numbers (sometimes using tally marks) Can Contain Two Sets of Numerical Data or One Set of Categorical Data
Dot Plots A dot plot records data along a number line using dots to represent the amount of times that data occurs. A dot plot contains: Title Dots At Least One Set of Numerical Data A Labeled Number Line Dots can represent more than one number and/or be cut into pieces.
Stem-and-Leaf Plots A stem-and-leaf plot shows groups of data arranged by place value. A stem-and-leaf plot contains: Title Stems and Leaves Numerical Data Key Numbers can be represented with decimals, fractions, and in different place values. Pay attention to the key to determine what the place value is.
Scatterplots A scatterplot shows a relationship between two sets of data. A scatterplot contains: Title Ordered Pairs Two Sets of Numerical Data Labeled X- and Y-Axes Scale (this graph counts by fives on the x-axis and tens on the y-axis)
What Can We Figure Out From Graphs? 1) Differences in Numbers Range: The difference between the highest set of data and the lowest set of data 2) Popularity of Data 3) Relationships between Data We can also make predictions from graphs to determine what the outcome of future events would be.