Warm Up Problem Find 31.4 ÷ 0.14. Round to the nearest hundredth.
Absolute Value Lesson 5-2
Objectives I can write the absolute value of a number. I can find the opposite of a number.
Vocabulary absolute value – the distance between a number and zero on the number line Absolute value is ALWAYS positive. Absolute value is represented using two vertical lines, like this −7 . opposites – numbers that are the same distance from zero in the opposite direction
Example 1 Find the opposite of -5. The opposite of -5 is 5. -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The opposite of the opposite of 4 is 4. Example 2 Find the opposite of the opposite of 4. The opposite of the opposite of 4 is 4. -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Got It? 1) What is the opposite of 3? 2) What is the opposite of the opposite of -2?
Example 3 Evaluate −7 . -7 is 7 units from 0 on the number line. −7 = 7
Example 4 Evaluate 5 + −6 5 = 5 −6 = 6 5 + 6 = 11
Example 5 Evaluate −7+5 . −7+5 = −2 −2 = 2 −7+5 =2
Got It? 3) 14 4) −9 + 3 5) −8+2
Example 6 A seagull is flying 25 feet above sea level. Connor is diving 15 feet below sea level. What is the distance between Connor and the seagull? To find the distance, add the absolute values. 25 + −15 25 = 25 −15 = 15 25 + 15 = 40 feet
Got It? A game show contestant lost 15 points. He answered another questions incorrectly and lost another 15 points. How many total points has he lost?