Life Science 7 Mrs. Duddles Q1 –Scientific Observations & Ecosystems
Friday 09/13 Objectives: Students will learn & practice lab safety Students will know how to keep a Science Notebook Students will practice CHAMPS classroom behavior White Space Question: How can invasive species affect the biodiversity of an ecosystem? Agenda: Finish biodiversity discussion and notes if necessary Start work on Directed Reading Activity 1 Introduction to Ecology Distribute Fusion ThinkCentral log-in student handout Verify that student log-in for Fusion ThinkCentral website to access 7th grade Science textbooks online works Don’t forget to participate in the Butcher Jog-a-Thon to raise money for MS2TC program! Invasive species can change the food web in an ecosystem by destroying or replacing native food sources. The invasive species may provide little to no food value for wildlife. Invasive species can also alter the abundance or diversity of species that are important habitat for native wildlife.
Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Thursday 09/12 Objectives: Students will learn & practice lab safety Students will know how to keep a Science Notebook Students will practice CHAMPS classroom behavior White Space Question: List the things that all living things need to survive. Agenda: Continue biodiversity study What did we observe about the biodiversity in the school field from our sweep net activity? Notes and discussion on “What is biodiversity?” Listen, look, take notes, & participate in class discussion Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Food, water, shelter, air, space to grow
Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Wednesday 09/11 Objectives: Students will learn & practice lab safety Students will know how to keep a Science Notebook Students will practice CHAMPS classroom behavior White Space Question: What should you do if you do not know the directions for a lab activity? Agenda: Learn how to use sweep nets to collect insects for biodiversity study Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Read the directions, ask your lab group, ask your teacher
Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Tuesday 09/10 Objectives: Students will learn & practice lab safety Students will know how to keep a Science Notebook Students will practice CHAMPS classroom behavior White Space Question: What is the most important thing to observe during lab experiments? Agenda: Lab Safety Demo Discuss and review for Lab Safety Activity Take Lab Safety quiz Read for remainder of class period Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Lab safety
Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Monday 09/09 Objectives: Students will learn & practice lab safety Students will know how to keep a Science Notebook Students will practice CHAMPS classroom behavior White Space Question: How do we make observations in Science class? Agenda: Turn in completed Syllabus Signature page (due today) Lab Safety Demo Start Activity 1: Lab Safety Activity Discuss and review for Lab Safety Activity; quiz tomorrow Remember to practice CHAMPS classroom behavior! Using our senses
Friday 09/06 Objectives: Students will learn & practice lab safety Students will review how to keep a Science Notebook Students will review CHAMPS classroom behavior White Space Question: List 3 ways you practiced lab safety in Science class last year. Agenda: Turn in completed Syllabus Signature page and Summer work notebook Discuss & review Observation Lab Activity; turn in student handout for grading View informational videos on water quality testing, macroinvertebrate collection, & physical survey of a stream to prepare for Stream Leaders working field trip View informational videos on invasive species to jumpstart your thinking about how to improve the habitat surrounding our school HW Reminder: Syllabus Signature page due Monday 09/09 1. Listen, Follow directions, Move with purpose, Stay on task, Observe all safety procedures, etc.
Thursday 09/05 Objectives: Students will learn & practice lab safety Students will review how to keep a Science Notebook Students will review CHAMPS classroom behavior White Space Question: List 3 ways you observe the world around you. Agenda: Turn in completed Syllabus Signature page & Summer Work notebooks What is a Nut-Free Classroom? Do Observation Lab Activity How does this activity relate to summer work activities? Review how to keep a Science Notebook & Practice CHAMPS classroom behavior HW Reminder: Syllabus Signature page due Monday 09/09
Wednesday 09/04 Objectives: Students will review CHAMPS classroom behavior & syllabus course expectations White Space Question: What materials should you bring to Science class everyday? Agenda: Welcome! Seating Chart Conduct classroom housekeeping procedures: materials, syllabus, CHAMPS classroom expectations Distribute Science notebooks; Review how to keep a Science Notebook Turn in Summer Work notebooks due Thursday 09/05 HW: Review course syllabus with parents/guardians & turn in signature page to Mrs. Duddles by Monday 09/09 Science notebook, pencil/pen, a good attitude, responsible behavior, & CURIOSITY!!!
WCS District - Half Day Home Schools Only No (MS)2TC classes Tuesday 09/03 WCS District - Half Day Home Schools Only No (MS)2TC classes
WCS District – No School Labor Day Observance Monday 09/02 WCS District – No School Labor Day Observance