Chris Hodgson Director of Estates and Facilities and Chair, SPACES


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Presentation transcript:

Case Study: Insight from SPACES on the benefits of strategic cross sector co-location Chris Hodgson Director of Estates and Facilities and Chair, SPACES East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

History SPACES “born”2011 SPACES Board Hosted by East Sussex County Council Multiple public sector partners: Local Government: County, Borough and District’s Blue light: Police, Fire, Ambulance Health: Commissioning, Primary and Secondary care Education: FE’s Central Government departments: DWP, DfT Community & Voluntary Sector OPE representation Note what SPACES acronym is 2011 Sussex Strategic group ? 2013 Full time Progamme Mgr pump primed by County 2015 OPE bids monies support Programme Mgr Senior reps on Board: i.e CEO’s , Directors, burning platform Last 3 year partners fund Programme Mgrs role My role - organisation agnostic

Ethos Organisation Agnostic Public purse first and then organisation benefit sharing Focus quite strongly on the engagement with our partners; understanding their priorities and drivers Work towards mutual benefits and understanding what our partners are seeking Recognise significant differences in focus between the organisation types Our understanding that change only happens for two reasons usually, there is (1) a burning platform or there is (2) a pot of money, means we are realistic in what we can achieve and when engagement is likely to be successful. Sometimes we have had to revisit things a couple of times before we were able to get going and it sticks so to speak!

Early Years – Initial Focus Strategic property perspective Relocation of blue light services into one facility in various locations, thereby freeing sites for regeneration/sale Capital receipts Collaborative workspace incl. shared IT

Newhaven, Saxon House – Blue Light and District Council service co-location Jont Fire/Police/ Housing office enquiries

Benefits Realisation – Programme Perspective Total Capital Receipts realised £13,236,000 Revenue Reductions £1,336,998 CO2 reduction 385 Revenue Receipt £682,577 Cost Avoidance £91,423 Grants Awarded £1,180,000 Housing 1,893 Employment 5 GIA reduction (m2) 14,964 Co-located related services 9 Co-located response services 4 Land swap Additional Service Provision 16 Shared IT i.e. Link Wifi and Gov Wifi Might need more focus on matters such as CO2 as we don’t really collect journey difference

Why does SPACES work ? High level buy-in from partners Mutual contribution on costs Rotating chair High level buy-in Directors, Deputy Directors of Heads of service - burning platform Proj Mgr was pump primed by OPE, now partners Mutual contribution on costs for PM -relativley low costs

The future – shift in focus Much more focused on housing delivery now than we were before Commercial focus Revenue gain Revenue savings PLACE based thinking Cross sector working not just across property Shift in focus from identifying one off co-location projects through to more strategic work streams spanning the county and city that will enable greater change over timeJoint Asset Sharing We are also looking at revenue income and how we can become more commercial in our activities which is higher up the priority list now than it was Cross sector i.e. ESCG and Council sharing learning Joint campus developments

Thank you for listening Any Questions ?